The weather finally gave me a window to apply my Zaino products. The whole process I am about to eleborate on took me about 3 hours to do. Keep in mind that understanding these products were very confusing to me when I was trying to decide which ones to buy. Hopefully I can unravel some of the questions by demonstrating my struggles and concerns while using. If I state any presumtions that are not actually true, these are only based on my understanding based on reading the instructions and what I've read on the forums. Again.. I am not a car detailing expert... I am a novice demonstrating my experience. The Temp was approx 52 degrees, but the sun was shining .. "felt warm for us". I first washed it in Dawn Dishwashing detergent to help strip the existing stuff from the dealer. I used a warm bucket of water and my sheepskin wash mitt. When done, I dried with a chamois. While washing, I decided to pop off the wheel covers "as I have done it in the past and decided I liked it better with them on", but this time I washed the wheels underneath and they brightened right up to nice looking wheels. I decided they look better off... so thats how she stands for now. The majic amount for one application to a prius I found was 1/2 ounce of Z2. The mixing bottles are 2 oz bottles so 1/2 ounce only fills the bottle by 1/4. Note, once you mix the two, you cannot store it for longer than 12 hours or its toast... so whatever you mix.. use it all or you will waste it. ZX - Z2 - Then I put in 3 drops of ZX accelerator "because it was so cold out" to the 1/2 ounce of Z2. After shaking the mixture up real well, enough coated the 2 oz mixing bottle that comes with the ZX kit after it adhered to the sides that I doubted I would have enough to do the job. But it does run down to the bottom of the bottle if you give it a little time. I just kept my mixing bottle inverted upside down and dabbed the tip "as it would start to drip", to keep my applicator moist with the Z2 while applying it to the surface. I applied the mixture and was amazed how far it went. I had already decided that I was going to do another coat if it would go that far, but 1/2 ounce was perfect! It perplexed me at first because its not real apparent that it was being applied as there is no haze like with regular wax or Nu-finish like I usually use. However after about 30 minutes I started seeing a very light haze. While that cured, next, it was time to attack the glass... I applied the Zaino Glass product "Z 12" It applied similiar to a light wax and I didn't think it was gonna do that much.. I put it on the inside and outside of every glass surface. "Don't put it on plastics.. it has abrasive". When I wiped it off with a dry "dirty" bath towel, I was astounded at the totally blemishless surface that remained behind. The Glass was practically invisible. It will be fun to see how it stands in the rain as well as see how easily they fog or don't fog up now. Next it was time to wipe of the hazed Z2 mixture with another bath towel. Again I was totally amazed at the finished results!.... After buffing the Z2 mixture off, I it looked so immaculant that I noticed 3 tiny scratches near the drivers door handle. I bet they were from the dealer? because I only use the SKS so where would the scratches come from? Anyway I pulled out my trusty "I've removed a scratch before" - "Z-PC fusion Dual Action Paint Cleaner Swirl Remover" This is basically a mild rubbing compound that has the ability to actually bond inside the crack as well. So According to my understanding.. it takes down the high parts of the crach while building up the bottom ov the crevice. These are very tiny scratches. I followed it with the Z5 This is basically the same as the Z=PC fusion but without the abrasive and possibly better abilities to bond with and actually "fill" the scratch and become one with the clear coat. The scratches are now completly gone! Next I applied the leather in a bottle product.. "Z-10" Although I have the cleaner too, I didnt' need it as its still perfectly clean and still new. Its true, the product smells like leather and leaves a nice moist feel afterwards. Note, I only did "one" treatment of Z2 as I didnt' have time for more.... many folks will do several coats.... one did the trick for now. I figured instead of applying several coats at one time "waiting for each to dry before the next" I would rather apply my coats spread over several days.. I think that gives each coat longer time to bond in between. In fact they even tell you that you shouldn't apply more than 3 coats at one time or day. At any rate, once it was done with all that, I finished with "The Grand Finale Spray Seal" I didn't think it could get any better, but after applying this, it was like my car was a mirror. This is the first time I've really detailed a car to this extent... my tires were already sprayed with silicone foam so I didnt' need to do that again. My wife didn't even know I was working on it today and when she walked in the door from work the first thing she said was.. "I don't see how you can get that car any shinier!" I was of course elated!.. The final proof is in these pictures for those who are curious... note the amazing refective qualites! This is with only one coat of Z2 too!
Wow, nice job! There has got to be something to this Zaino thing. I am going to have to try it. But, 3 hours? I don't know......... Maybe I can get the wife to do it....
i really liked zaino, but once priusenvy pointed out that it makes the black look plasticky i noticed it too. looks very nice on a non-black car though, your red looks fantastic. i'm having the detailer use something else tomorrow, just for comparison. we'll see what he has and how it turns out...
It was actually fun to do, so the time just flew by.... with every step I could see the results... I can fish all day as long as I'm getting bites!
Well you should know then, there site is down right now or I would give you a link, but they have a picture of a black car with the reflection of a tree with leaves in it that looks like a mirror..... but thats a camera pic.. maybe it doesn't look in real life.
i've been over the site many times while trying to decide whether to use zaino or not. and the black prius on their site is actually mine sure, it's like a mirror, real shiny, can see the clouds by looking at the hood. but something on the black seems weird. it's something about the finish that just makes it look, i do not know, not quite right. but we'll see what it looks like tonight when i pick it up from the detail shop with a new coat of sealant.
I've been using Zaino since truck silver.......Prius = white..... The "initial" application process that Windstrings describes is sort of a "pia" is exciting and the results are as advertised. Well worth the time and effort imo....... what really makes it worth while is the additional applications done later for routine maintenance are a doesn't take alot of the material (like a wax product) to get the desired results........the hardest part about the process for me (with my one remaining braincell)... is remembering what part of the vehicle I've already applied it to :blink: . It wipes off sooooo easy and shines soooooo bright.......beads of water just sheet off with a good couple layers of Zaino...... But....the main thing I really love (not mentioned here yet)..... is that delicious Zaino Smell Black car peeps.......I'm clueless what the problem your having really is but the one thing I've read numerous times about black cars and other products is........they leave a "spiderweb" type swirls marking that Zaino doesn't leave.
I've done my wife's silver corolla and it looks great. The lighter color doesn't provide the contrasting reflections that my seaside pearl does though. I like the fact that I can do both cars with very little work. I don't use the accelerator and only apply one coat. I let it dry for an hour before a buff it off. Shiny stuff.
That is hard, because its almost invisible until it hazes...even then its not obvious. But by seeing how hard it was to clean the mixing bottle with almost half and half dawn detergent in the bottle and shaking it all around.. I did this about 4 times and I still don't feel I got absolutly "all" of the residue out!.. this stuff really adheres to surfaces! Ah yes.. that makes it worth useing just for that!... "not really" but man its nice. Every product smells a little different, but they are all good. The finishing spray smelt like a lemon of some type and the Z5 you just want to eat that!
I've been a Zaino user for over 5 years now. It is a wonderful product. I think there are equal products on the market but I really have gotten used to using Zaino. My buddy is actually the main distributor for this product so I just drive over to get mine. Happy motoring.
I've never used anything that compares... I can now answer my own question when I started all this. Yes.. its far better than Nu-finish! I hear the longevity is comprable too. I just went to the beach and back yesterday and we stopped at the mall to shop. I went about 100 yards after getting out of my car and then decided I wanted something out of my car so I walked back. when I got to my car someone was already gazing and admiring it!.. He was telling his wife.. "look honey, isn't that beautiful?" He was so inquisitive and took up about 15 minutes of my time asking questions. He drove a SUV, but wanted the prius and was amazed at the room inside! It started raining like crazy and we drove home through about an hour of rain... when I got out of the car, I was amazed that it didnt' even look like I had been in a rainstorm! Even the windshield was so clean that I could barely tell where the wiper had been verses not. I noticed the rain didn't bead up like wax or anything, but what I didnt notice was how clean the glass was!.. dirt did not want to stick to it!.. nor the paint either! My wife actually made a comment on how perfectly spotless the glass was and was wondering how I did it! She has not given me a bit of flak for the 130.00 I spent on all thier products! She is delighted with the results and she likes seeing my enjoyment of how I am delighted and how much fun I have making it look like a shiny jewel! The next day while in the clear bright sun, I could see a little dirt down behind the rear wheel close to the ground, but the whole rest of the car looked as if I had just detailed it. Another new thing I noticed was that when I look in my side mirror while driving at night that I really have to have them out wide enough so I can't see the sides of the car or I will get blinded by the reflections of the cars behind me refecting into my side mirrors! Man this car is like a big mirror now! So today I went ahead and gave it another wash... I notice the refection of the wash bucket was almost like a camera shot.. it was almost perfect! The reflective qualities of Z2 are amazing. I still only have one coat of Z2 one and a dash of the finishing spray.. I can't wait to see what will happen with a repeated coat!
All right, you guys have convinced me to try this stuff out. I just ordered the stuff I need for the paint and glass. I hope I can make it look as good as the pictures in this thread! That red Prius looks GOOD. I'm looking forward to seeing the Silver Pine Mica on my 06 look that nice. Thanks for the tips, I'll be using them when I'm working on my car.
I'm sure you'll be a happy camper...its funny, many times pictures look worse, but with Zaino, pictures look a bit better as the reflectivity really stands out! If you don't like your Zaino, you can sell it to me! :lol:
:lol: ... and I thought his avatar was from a movie! :lol: seriously Windstrings, that is a good looking car! I am envious!
Thanks... I was quite pleased with what Zaino did to my finish..... I've never been associated with a product that leaves such a smooth glassy finish. I don't know what it will look like on other colors.. but on red it is definately happening.... On thier site they have many demo pictures others have sent it.....that are many different colors. They look nice too!
I have used Zaino on all of my cars for years. It is by far the best wax/polish that i have ever used. Ken Stewart
welcome Ken..... I have always been a casual detailer... you know... 30 min job and I'm done for 3 months.... But I actually look forward to the next time I have time to do the full works.... Its so rewarding watching every level just brighten things up more and more... So far I've only done one coat of Z2, I'm still excited about what will happen with my next coat... I hear it applies even easier once the first coat is on... however the first coat went on like butter, so I really don't know what to expect.