Going about 10-15 mph and someone in front of me slid, hit a snow bank, i could brake even at low speeds (Ice... lots of it). It looks minor. JUST got it out of the shop from having an SUV reverse into me Any idea how much it would cost to repair? Fender is bent a little. This is the only damage. I just really want i like new again *sigh*
I have the exact same damage without the fender being bent and the insurance quoted $584. I rear ended someone as well, their damage was under $500. The insurance to me was a bit inflated. To be quite honest your fender doesn't look bad, it's just buckled.
I love this forum haha. You all respond so politely and quickly My girlfriend is sad, so am I. The bumper, I'm not really worried about. I just want to straighten out the fender. I wish I could do that part myself.
The fender looks like it's detached as I can see the clips exposed. You should be able to refasten it with screws, bolts, Gorilla glue or a combination of those three things. Jack it up and take the wheel off to give access.
I hope you get yours repaired, Princess9483. For mine well... I'll think i will do what I can to fix some of the damage, and the scratches will have to remain. I cannot afford to pay 500-1000 dollars for that right now. I also hope I'm not held responsible for the car that went out of control in front of me. I was 2-3 cars away going a little over 10 mph in a 25mph road. Even with the anti-lock breaks in the 2004 Prius, there was not a thing I could do. Even at that speed.
Many have come to rely upon anti-lock brakes, I've found that even with these, it is helpful to pump the brakes when on ice. Not saying that you should have or didn't but I wanted to pass this along as a pertinent aside.
i was coming down a hill to a traffic lite last week in the snow. i was down to about 10 mph as i approached and the lite turned yellow. i was pumping the brakes but skidding everytime i did. buy the time i got to the lite, i was still going 10 and had to goose it through instead of stopping.