I park at school a lot and I have had previous vehicles broken into and all of my things stolen. I am trying to make a copy of the 8.1 Navigation disk to keep in the car so if someone does decide to break into my car to take it, I can just burn another. I have tried Office Depot DVD+R DL's as well as Verbatim AZO DVD+R DL disks. I've used Nero, IMGBurn and I've tried various speeds and settings for Layer Breaks. Does anyone know if the 2009 is even capable of reading backed up disks? I seem to find conflicting information online that it can/cannot be done. When I load the disk after unplugging the 4 cables going into the front of the unit under the drivers seat it will occasionally say 'System Loading Don't turn off the power' with a picture of a disk and a yellow progress bar. Eventually it says 'Unable to read Data Check Map DVD' or something like that. If I put the original in it works right away. I just bought this car and it looks like there is a scratch on the original NAV DVD so I am hoping to get a copy working to protect this disk. Thanks guys! (P.S. If anyone has a newer than 8.1 disk for a Gen5 Nav system they don't need anymore let me know )
Let's make sure we keep this thread about only helping him make a copy of his own disk and not start offering to upload the file anywhere, point to where am ISO can be found blah blah blah. Thanks all.
as far as I know, prius 2006-2009 has a DVD reader that can NOTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT READ burned DVDs. It can only read those pressed-DVDs, AKA. you can't make it yourself, unless you have a DVD factory. This has been the consensus I believe.
I wonder if this new M-Disc technology would work on the factory DVD Nav drives in the Prius. I'd like to make a backup of my NAV DVD if it does work.
Problem is, burned DVDs reflect much less laser light than the pressed type. It seems that the DVD reader used in the 2007 thru 2009 Prius seems to be tuned to only read the pressed type disk. It might be possible to open it up and adjust the sensitivity of the reader or put a different DVD drive in. I don't know what interface the drive uses, if it's proprietary or fairly standard. Regardless, I and many others have burned many a coaster trying to make a "backup copy" of the navigation DVD. Glad they don't use DVDs any more on the current model.
I do not know if this will work or not- but some players will only read DVD+R's and some will only read DVD-R's. Try a DVD-R. You may be surprised. Worth the dollar or two to try it.