I have a relatively urgent problem. My 2010 Prius V has a moonroof installed by the dealer at the time of sale, though I think it was aftermarket (some contract between the dealer and a third party). The moonroof worked fine for 3.5 years, and today started failing to close. By failing to close, I mean it fully closes, and then over-closes about a centimeter into the vent position. When the moonroof is vented it usually opens about 5 cm. Opening and venting control works fine. Only close operation has the problem. I don't see manufacturer info on the moonroof. The only identifiers are model 845 SIG Series Serial 54185 Batch 10/147. It says it was made in the USA. I bought my Prius at Earnhardt Toyota, Superstition Springs. Any advice on this? Has anyone remedied a similar issue? Thanks, Benjamin
I bought my Prius at Earnhardt Toyota, Superstition Springs I would try your selling dealer... Read more: http://priuschat.com/threads/moonroof-not-closing-properly.137664/#ixzz2tVI51m2v Follow us: @PriusChat on Twitter | PriusChat on Facebook
Thanks for your reply. I worked on the problem until late last night. I think the moonroof comes from Signature, and I found this manual online: http://www.signature-autoproducts.us/downloads/sigseriesinstallguide.pdf Page 3 had an initialization procedure with some shoddy instructions (not saying what button to press and such...) but it got me far enough to successfully close the moonroof. My control has 3 buttons: open, close, and vent. I opened the moonroof with a tap on open. Next, I held open for 5 seconds. This opened the moonroof another inch. Unlike the manual says, the moonroof did not close to find a new stop position (the extra inch of open is all that happened). I hit close, and the problem remained... Still over-closing. Next, I tried the vent initialization procedure. I fully vented the moonroof with a tap of vent. I held vent 5 seconds. I heard a click...maybe there was minuscule movement... Then nothing (once again it didn't close,against instructions). I hit close, and it worked! It must have been the vent procedure. I am still going to not open it, and have the dealer look at it when I get my next oil change. Thanks for your time. Hope this helps somebody keep their car dry. Regards, Benjamin
It's nice when you can get your hands on some paper work! It just makes posts like this happen! ATTA-BOY for figuring out the solution and posting your find!
This issue happened again. It seems from time to time I have to do the vent re-initialization. I can work around it, but I think there is a design shortcoming.