What is the best (as in most compatible, reliable) Bluetooth OBDII unit to buy for my 2008 Prius T Spirit? I have both a Nexus 7 and Dell Streak 5 Android devices either of which I'd like to use in the car with Torque Pro installed on them. There's so many choices out there - and apparently quite a few non kosher clones too. I want the real deal / the most compatible there is. Advice will be appreciated iPad ? HD
I've never has a problem with my PLX Devices Kiwi Bluetooth adapter. I guess I would call it the gold standard. However, it also costs a lot of gold.
Thank you both . I've checked out the OBDLink MX; the reviews praise it to the heavens. It's allegedly 5 times better than the average Bluetooth adapter - and correspondingly costs about 5 times as much. I'm very tempted indeed. I'll go check out the PLX Devices Kiwi BT adapter too. Thank you!! Nexus 7 ?