I noticed something unusual last week. On a short trip to the post office last week, I had to merge into fast traffic which required a fully depressed accelerator, something I rarely need to do in any vehicle I've driven. But once I was up to speed I drove normally. The drive was on flat terrain as there are not hills where I live. Shortly afterwards, I noticed my battery's charge indicator was full with all bars showing. This has never happened in either Prius I've owned. It seems weird that a short burst of full power would do that. By the time I pulled back into the parking lot at the office, it dropped one bar back to it's normal 'full' status. I'm wondering if the "electronic brain" of my v was anticipating I was going to need more battery assist during my drive - or was it an anomaly?
i don't know if the v is different, but i got full battery now and again in my gen II's with no hills.
Was anyone sat blocking the battery vent? I found that would cause mine to show full. Also, have you done lots of small or short journeys in town and then went on a run. I've found that the car anticipates lots of short journeys and then seems to overstore charge on a run. Might just be a coincidence though.
I was only one in the car and I keep my car very clean inside all the time, so no potential to block the battery vent. It only happened this one time - I was just surprised to see the battery showing 100% bars instead of missing the usual 1 or 2 bars from the top.
in my 08, on my commute to work, it used to fill all the way on a 2 mile slight downslope on the highway once in a while. then, when i got of, it was all 20 mph for a couple more miles in back of an industrial park. you think i could get it to stay in ev with a full charge? the ice would run almost the whole time.
Was it colder than normal outside? I've found my SOC running higher in winter when it spends more ICE-on time warming up.
I've seen this in my Gen 2, but never really paid that much attention to the circumstances. I believe the generator may be used to load the ICE during warmup cycle, so if you had parked with a fairly full battery the warmup cycle may very well fill up that last bar?
If it is cold out and you are running the heat especially if you are not in Eco mode and have the interior temp set above 65 the car will run the engine just to create heat. That has the effect of driving the battery toward an indicated full charge.