Are there more than one version of Prius Plus 17" wheels? I ask because I recently saw someone's in person that were definitely darker than mine. His were older and mine are new from Toyota as of 4 months ago. Mine are more silver chrome and his were more black chrome. I should have taken a side by side picture...
Just google it and look at the images. Can't say I've seen them in person but if since you've seen darker...maybe it's gunmetal?
The images on Google don't really help as some look like the 'normal' silver and some look darker, like gun metal. So the question still stands...
It wasn't just brake dust. the other persons were definitely darker. We even washed his wheel just to make sure.
Here in my City, I've only seen one or two other prius plus's in the past 5 months since I purchased mine. I am guessing there is just one version of the wheels. With that being said, I found a rock chip on mine the other day and the metallic paint came off....grrr!
There's definitely just one part number. However perhaps different earlier batches were darker or something.
It rolled out the latter of 2011; From what I know from friends that work at TMS/TRD- basically I think they had supplier issues for the wheels and the original launch was a complete cluster****. They had multiple suppliers that helped meet the launch demand for the wheels. So there could be a color variation.
Interesting. You can see the difference in these two pics: vs. Some might say it's just the angle but I've seen both in person and one is definitely more of a black chrome.
Is that a 17" or 18" wheel? I have seen the blacker looking wheels, they look like they are almost a black chrome. But I thought they were 18's.