My trial of satellite radio expired in December and I never renewed because I never used it. I was showing a friend the different things in the care yesterday and the satellite radio was still working. Is this some sort of free station scenario or did they not cancel the service?
I'm in the middle of my trial and I'd like to know the answer also, I'm thinking I'll not buy it, never use it, I mean who the hell is so brain dead they listen to Howard Stern.
Check how MANY stations you actually get. Although I haven't had the chance to check it out closely, I'm pretty sure that they recently added a few real live channels to their "demo" mode. Otherwise.......don't say that too loudly !!
Is the trial period on new Toyota's 3 months? And another question I was wondering for the headunit on the 2014 Plug-in Base, do we need the SXM NavTraffic to show the traffic on the nav, or does this run off of smartphone data? And same question about SXM TravelLink, does the headunit use XM or run off of smartphone data?
They must have tracked me. Yesterday I was getting all the stations but today I am just now getting the 1 preview station. I should have stayed off the grid.
I think that last week and this week, every XM Sirius receiver will get free all programming! Until they figure it out Shhhhhh....
Who wants to pay to get more crap stations? The free ones out there are ok as it is. At least you don't get the DAB nonsense we get here. Less range than fm, breaks up more than fm in poor areas, has worse sound quality that fm (often in mono to cram more stations on) and no local stations. Digital radio in the United Kingdom - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Fm worked fine. It still works fine. It's on millions on radios so why try and change it. That's not a luddite talking, but if something works fine, why fix it for no good reason?
GC it sells more high price radios to those that think they are getting good quality sound, and believe anything they are told. DAB radio is a complete waste of time and our licence fees paying for the BBC transmitters required for the "service." Service that cannot be the correct word. Where I live the only way to get DAB is through the TV aerial, and a big one at that with an aerial amp, otherwise no DAB or TV. We were promised better sound quality than a CD, but how do you get better sound quality when the music your listening to is a CD. John (Britprius)
And transmitted at lower bit rates in mono! Total rubbish. DAB+ isn't so bad and can cram more stations at higher rates into the same frequency, but the BBC are committed and won't back down. I bought a DAB radio for my dad in 2006. It didn't pick up anything then and now after the 'improvement' in coverage gets about 5 BBC stations if you move it to the window. And I'm only 10 miles from Leeds! What happens to people out in the sticks? Pissed off doesn't cut it. And they're trying to push it in cars! Not a hope guys. I won't pay for it.
GC I live 28 mile north of Hereford the nearest town on the Welsh boarders "hill country" can you imagine the coverage here. Portables just do not work. John (Britprius)
In my first Prius once the free period was over all I was getting was one station full of commercials, but I'm not sure because I was all time listening to either FM or my own mp3s. In my 2013 Prius I have all my MP3 collection in an USB memory stick so losing XM is really something that I don't care. One thing is for sure, I'm not paying another subscription having other options.
They will eventually cut you off…. Sometimes when they leave it on it will only be the basic channel and all other channels are merely snippets, then you'll get the call 800 blah blah blah to actually get it reactivated. They've sent me an email now for $25 for 8 months subscription so I'm back on… there's only a few stations I actually like...