My 2007 Touring has the auto height adjust feature. I have had Toyota replace it once as a safety item because the circuit got wet and failed with the lights adjusted way down. I have also replaced one bulb at my expense (at 135K miles) and expect the other to go before long. I have always been unhappy with my headlights before, during and after the above. My question is: Are the lights mechanically adjustable? I have tried using the notched adjustment wheels behind the lens to no avail. My lights are still too low and I drive most of the time with high beams and never get flashed. Any advice will be sincerely appreciated.
Ozark, I have the opposite problem; my auto-leveling HID headlights are aimed too high. I wasnt aware of any notched adjustment so thanks for that tidbit. I have 'watched' this thread for any updates... hopefully somebody can get us aimed in the right direction
Thanks, that looks very helpful and I will try it. I am not comfortable making wiring changes as previously suggested but may resort to that if the adjustment screw, as depicted, does not help.
Ozark, were you ever able to get your headlights to adjust? I did mine yesterday, it was very easy. I backed the Prius in to the dark garage at work, turned on the headlights pointing at the garage door, and ended up having to turn the adjustment screws on each headlight about 4 full rotations to get the lights down to a reasonable level Guess what? No more people flashing their lights at me at night because they were aimed so high they were illuminating peoples roofs at night when I drove through the neighborhood!! Also was able to test my auto-leveling headlights by kneeling on the rear bumper, they do work and its kind of neat to watch them adjust themselves (Have I ever mentioned that Im easily entertained?!)
I previously answered this via email but it did not post here so I am pasteing it here. Thanks for the reply. Yes, I got them adjusted and for the first time in almost 6 years I am satisfied with my HIDs. My auto light leveling circuitry is working fine as well and, yes it is entertaining to watch it work. We are a little short on things to do here in the Ozarks as well. Speaking of Ozarks, NWA Toyota in Rogers, AR is a great dealership for service should anyone be in the area. My Prius has been serviced at probably 25 different dealerships ranging from border to border and coast to coast. I drive the 65 miles each way to Rogers because the worst dealer in the USA is my local dealer in Joplin, MO. If you have Prius trouble near Joplin (I-44 & I-49 junction), limp your way to Springfield or Rogers. Don’t even let them change your oil. We all have bad experiences but all 3 of my bad experiences have been at the Joplin dealer, nowhere else. Sorry, didn’t mean to go off – it just happened.
Thank you nh7o and PriusGuy32. I've been hunting on here for hours trying to find out if these lights were adjustable, and if so how to do it. I replaced my driver's side HID last week (I had a mechanic figure out how to do it but we had the wrong bulb at that point -- I watched) and it went fairly well until I was done and saw the light pointing MUCH too high. I'm amazed we haven't gotten stopped yet. I'm going to try this when the snow storm stops. Right now I doubt I'd be able to see well enough.