This is my first-ever NEW car, so here's my dumb question. I bought the car Jan. 6. I received the pink slip more than a week ago. My new assigned license plate (not personalized) is shown on the pink slip, so I would assume the plates got mailed at the same time, but, I imagine, at something less than first-class mail. They haven't arrived yet. How much longer should I wait before I contact DMV and report them as "missing"? Thanks. -- Rodney
Well Rodney, I bought my car on the Jan 14th and had my plates in three weeks. They came a week after I got my pink slip. I'd say your paper work got held up somewhere but since you just got your pink, then I'd expect to see your plates anytime now.
My plates and registration came in the same envelope (the registration in an outside pocket of the envelope that contained the plates). It took less than four weeks after I took delivery, but the timing is affected by when the dealer files the paperwork with the DMV. It must be different with the pink slip, though.
A friend of mine bought her new car on 12/23 and her plates arrived on Tuesday this week. The DMV told her that if they hadn't arrived within 30 days of when they mailed them (which they reported was 1/18) that she could make an appointment to pick up a replacement set. But when she went into a DMV office last week, they said she had to wait 90 days, not 30. And then they finally showed up in the mail. My plates took about 5 1/2 weeks. So--lots of variation!
I was actually wondering this myself, as I picked up my Prius about a week ago. Sounds like the DMV's 4-6 week estimate for sequential plates is pretty accurate.
The variation sounds huge. I picked up my car on a Monday evening and received the plates in the mail on the Wednesday 9 days later. My dealer claimed that they were part of a new program where they had a stack of plates at the dealership and once all the paperwork cleared the systems at DMV they would send the plates directly. I never checked the postmarks so don't know if that was true or not, sounds like it was.
My plates came in less than 3 weeks after purchasing the car. This was record time for me receiving the plates. From past experience, it's usually at least a 4 week wait min. Justinc
Hi everyone! Just got my cute red #8 on Wednesday night. I downloaded the HOV sticker application, but see that you have to fill in your license number. This is my first car (my previous was not new but lasted 18 years--a Toyota). I'm assuming this means I need to wait for my plates before I can apply for my sticker? Thanks for your help to a newbie. Bee
It is not necessary to wait for your plates;all you need is your vin#. Many PC'ers have sent for their stickers before they received their plates. The only caution is: The DMV will not process your application until they receive your paperwork from the dealer.
Hi Bee, and welcome! You do not need the plates to apply--just leave that space blank or write in "new." I contacted my dealer to find out when they sent the VIN paperwork to the DMV, and mailed my application a week after that. There's another thread that has lots of details and timelines for people getting their stickers: I got my plates after my HOV sticker check had cleared, but before the stickers actually arrived. Many others have received their stickers before their plates. Enjoy your new car!
Bee, Apply right away for your HOV sticker (just use the VIN). From talking to our OC Prius members, seems like the delivery of the license plates depends on where you buy the car (some dealerships have a direct in to the DMV - like Carson Toyota, so they are really fast). Other dealers just send paperwork, so that takes forever- it has taken as much as 6 weeks. Problem I have is that I use a personalized plate, so cannot put on the personalized plate on until after I get the DMV generated ones, which - when I take to the AAA, to exchange- they just throw them away... did that twice in the last 2 1/2 years- seems a waste. DMV- Seems sometimes the convicts are busy and other times not.... they make the plates....
And the answer is... That was my question that started all this. On March 8, two months after I got my car, I called the DMV. They looked it up, and said my plates should have gone out Feb. 9. They said to wait another week, and if the plates hadn't arrived, fill out this form... (and pay $16) and take it or mail it to DMV. The plates finally arrived March 9. -- Rodney