So the other day I was in traffic going to a School, car was in EV the whole 20 minutes of crawling into the school to pick up someone. I had two bars of gas. After about 20 minutes of sitting and crawling the gas gauge dropped to one flashing bar?! The motor never kicked in during these 20 minutes of crawling in traffic. How did I use gas when the motor never kicked in?????
You didn't use any gas. It could be how the car was sitting that changed the gas gauge reading. Mine will jump up and down one bar at times depending on how I'm driving. My gas gauge will generally go down to one pip at 15 miles. What was your DTE miles?
One question mark per sentence, please. Fuel level sensors aren't the fastest-responding or most accurate things in the world. As the fuel sloshes around in there, the float will move up and down. I'm guessing your car just needed time to realize that it had 1.49 bars of fuel, not the 1.51 bars it had been thinking you had.
i'm just amazed that you can get 20 minutes of creep and crawl traffic in ev. my gen II's never went that long without the ice coming on to replenish the battery.
Thanks for the responses, the fuel bar did drop when leaving the school campus, the drive way out is on an incline, so I can see how the angle would have played a part in the sensors giving off a different reading. With all accessories off, I can go 15 to 20 minutes in EV while in stop and go traffic.
That happened to me earlier today. I was coming down a big hill on all electric with 4 bars of fuel. When I got to the bottom, I coasted up a very soft hill, still in electric, and my fuel gauge went down to 3 bars. When that happened, my Ultragauge said that I had 3.22 gallons of gas in my tank.
Must not be going very far. My salesman told me that EV was only good for about a mile and a half......but I haven't had a chance to test it yet. PS. Do I really have to "cut and paste" to do a quote here ??
Nope, when you log in, click on the "Reply" link to the right of anyone's post to quote it. I've also had my fuel gauge return to 10 bars after being down at 9 bars, after the car sits overnight.
What browser are you using? Sometimes Google Chrome can be finicky and take a little while to load the quote. But that usually only happens on slower computers. Try using Firefox.
Orenji just curious how can you get 20 min EV in crawling traffic. I can only think it is downhill, gravity providing most of the motive power (just a little incline will do). My C on flat surface, crawling traffic, provides no more than 5 min without needing to fire the ICE to recharge battery Sent ?
Never mind. It appears to be an incompatibility with IE ver. 11.....for Windows 7. Since IE still captures something like 60% of the browser use, you would think that software developers would take more care to keep it compatible.
Sooo - you have a self-replenishing gas tank. You gotta let the rest of us in on the secret! Seriously though - I've had my gas gauge bounce up and down and/or my fuel empty warning light flash on and off in almost all my cars. Gas gauges are more a guide than anything else (and sometimes they outright lie!) YMMV
Yes it was down hill, no A/C, no radio. But even in freeway traffic I get at least 10 or more minutes in EV, with A/C on.