I noticed the seam between the body and the bumper/fender part on my Prius was gaping ever so slightly today. It looks like there are a few light scratches, so maybe someone lightly bumped me? I tried pushing it in and up in case a clip wasn't catching, but I can't get it to completely close. Any ideas, Prius chatters? I know it's a minute thing, but now that I've noticed, it bothers me.
I would recommend you stop looking at it, it'll just bother you more. Someone might have bumped you but I can't tell by the pictures. All the clips look to be in place. Could also be your imagination. ..... SM-N900P ?
I see it and that would bother me too, have a mobile bumper guy come by and look at, should be a simple fix.
Is that a tough operation? I don't have a garage or anything. Is there a screw in that area that might just need to be tightened? I looked around but didn't see anything obvious. I didn't even know mobile bumper repair was a thing! I will look to see if we have any here in DC. Both of these things failing, might just take it to an auto body shop and hope it's not too $$$$. It's really probably mostly noticeable to me, but I like things perfect and now I know it's there.
There is only 1 bolt that holds the bumper, it's at the end of the bumper, both sides are the same. Rest of them are like bumper clips, which looks to be in place. Not sure what else you can do. You can look at some YouTube videos. Look for headlight removal videos, many take off the bumper. SM-N900P ?
So, I was just watching this video for a Gen II, but maybe the Gen III is similar and I can just get a new bumper cover retainer for the front? Hmm... [off to research some more]
You can check Washington Checkbook.com or possibly Angie's List for repair shops in our area that may be good for smaller stuff. If you find one, let me know. Washington Consumers' CHECKBOOK
Which bolt? The one in the wheel well? I'd love it if I could just loosen and re-tighten it back into place. You think I can do it with a hand screwdriver? I don't have a power one...
Cool, so you think I should just loosen it, push it back into place, and tighten it up? This might be the cheapest DIY ever.
ETA: When I bought the car, there was some road rash/cube scrapeage on the bumper cover that the stealership repaired as part of the sale. I am wondering if they just didn't re-install the bumper back exactly right and I am just noticing now...
Mess with it until it looks better. The screw may even be too tight, which will push the bumper cover out.
I'm having a similar issue--clipped a snowbank this winter and now the seam of the fender is popped out on one side. How can you tell by looking if it is still in the clips? Do I have to unbolt it too? I didn't see the bolt in the wheel well. Do you know approx where it is?
here is what it looks like--when i look at the other side, there seems to be a piece on the inside that catches the eyelet-- i dont see a piece when i gently pull the fender back ??