Firstly, I am sooo sorry for posting a repetitive topic. Secondly, MY BABY IS IN The stork has landed and deposited my Silver #7 I had promised myself not to be the umpteenth originator of a post related to picking up a new Prius I obviously have no self control I have not been this excited about a getting a new car in decades I have read as much as possible over the past several months. I have actually imitated driving a prius in my current cars. I have not been able to get the owners manual from my dealership. I am picking her up Saturday. I am a little, or maybe a lot, nervous that I should not have my bases covered. Again, I am sooooo sorrrrrry about this post.. But my BABY IS HERE Please send all the help you can. And, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR TOLERATING ME. I now know why people keep posting this topic now and forever. This is so damn exciting and exhilarating and everything buying a new car should be PLUS... David
No need for apologies whatsoever! Completely revel in the joy that your new car has arrived, and CONGRATULATIONS!!
Don't be sorry, Dad, you remind us of our own enthusiasm. Not everyone will understand if you start making silly little kid (car) noises, but we will.
Me: "... and that's the sound she makes when she's stopped at lights." Friend: "'re not making an sound." Me: "Yup, and this is what all the cars around her, sound like (grr, rumble, rumble, glub, glub, burp). They're drinking gas while she's sitting an' waitin'." Friend: "I don't want to hear what their emissions sound like, okay?"
Hmm, I always thought storks didn't actually *land*, they just flew over and dropped stuff on you. Oof! . _H*
You guys are tooo much My heart is palpitating - fast -- too fast maybe. My sympathetic nervous system is is acting like a vice is squeezing my adrenal glands. Pupils are dilated. Sweat glands - check. Making silly noises already. When does this stop? Got the Prius Pick-up Checklist Got the Prius PDS Bulletin from 10/17/03 Got the Body Electronics System printout Called the insurance broker - check (ain't that funny) Called the dealership - they won't inflate my tires as you guys recommend. They claim its dangerous - will cause hydroplaning Told them I don't want anybody sitting in my car except their service people and ME :lol: Told them no stickers on the car Told them that I think I love them :wub: Told them to give me a price on the extended coverage plan ^_^ Told them that I love them even more than b4 Made an appointment to pick it up either Saturday afternoon or Sunday morning Anything I am missing except my head? Thanks again everyone. I look forward to continuing our relationship for a long long time
You're making us silver #4 people feel left out, here, but we share in your joy, too. You will have fun with your new addition this weekend!
Sounds like me when I got my '05 Salsa Red. Couldn't stop jabbering about it. Still can't stop jabbering about it... Have lots of fun. Share the Joy! A Joy Shared is Doubled (although in this group it comes back more like 100 fold). Lisa Danny, we need those Party Smilies back!
Hi everybody, I want to thank you for your help. Priuschat was so useful in picking out a dealership and in many other questions. And yes, I picked up my new red Prius last night and it is so exciting!! javascript:emoticon('') I had my last car (a Toyota) for 18 years, bless its heart. This is really amazing. (Of course, I've never even had a car with cupholders before, so everything is new.) My husband has had a Prius since 2003 and really likes it. Now I have a question about the warranty. I'm still deciding about this: is it a total rip-off or does it make sense? Any suggestions? Thanks again for this excellent website. Bee