I wish that the illumination of the controls on the steering wheel were controllable like the rest of the dimmable buttons. They're way too dim for me. Also, is it true that the dimmer control button itself is not lit at all? -AdrianO
As far as I know, BT tech is attempting to address this very issue of the dim wheel buttons. I too find it odd that some of these things aren't lit at all. And on top of that, why is it so darn easy to change from miles to km? Shouldn't that be hidden down in some MFD menu instead of right there handy on the dash (and unlit like the odo button)?
That's Brian, he sells the BT Stiffening Plate and the Rear Spoiler. Hey Darell, maybe you can even make the Prius like a Lexus and create illuminated interior door handles linked to the dome lights!
I dislike the Brights indicator on this and other cars - far to bright - spoils night vision and distracting. :angry: Think I'm going to have to tape a piece of plastic sunglass or a shard of brown beer bottle :lol: over it, unless someone has a better (more elegant? B) ) idea. C
I think both of those are basically scams. The real spoiler is going to be useless and is predicated on a false premise of lift, because the Prius supposedly looks like a wing. Nonsense, it's not a wing, nor does it look anything like a wing if you actually superimpose one over the Prius. It's lift neutral. If it was lift positive, that little stick on spolier wouldn't do much anyways. Waste of $. The "stiffening" plate... sounds like the placebo effect to me. The mounting isn't good enough or big enough to increase roll rigidity/twist, or pitch rigidity/twist, and the existing plate was strong enough to prevent against yaw twisting or shearing. But, so long as people are happy I guess.
Here I'm going to admit to having some evil fun with people. You know how it is when some people ride in a Prius for the first time? Everything is so advanced, and they ooh and aah at everything. So I'm driving along at 62 and say, "This car even has a hyperdrive. It will go from 62 to 100 in no time, and you won't feel anything different. Watch." (then I hit the unlit button).
I have trouble seeing the controls on the steering wheel at night. The lighting is very dim. I wonder why Toyota didn't catch that error.
This must be another area that I'm pretty strange at...I have no problems seeing or finding any of the controls in the dark...I've never accidentally hit the cruise control instead of the wiper stalk or vice versa. I've never reached for the wrong button or not been able to see where the control I'm looking for is... Then again, maybe I'm just freakish !
do not know but the plate's thicker than the stock one and has more volume. If you want, just go add a strut tower brace if you can fit one in the engine bay lol.
Well, here is another one of my stories (which will probably be ignored or sold off as pointless, but here goes). About 20 or so years ago Ford (yes Ford, so many of us here have a death with for Ford and GM which is foolish, however I still have a warm spot in my heart for Ford) asked some serious questions about interior design in their vehicles, specifically ergonomics. Switches, levers and controls in cars prior to the mid-80s had been placed where it was best for the manufacturer or wherever they could be placed that was possible. Most of the time switches and features were laid out illogically and were nearly impossible to control in the dark or when other switches and levers were in certain positions. Part of Ford's QJ1 initiative of that time was to make their interiors functional, comfortable, logical and appealing. The answer was very simple. Instead of using little switches that had no tactile feel and were undifferentiated from other switches by feel, Ford applied dimples, bumps and lines to things like window switches, door locks, cruise control switches and so on. Once you were even slightly familiar with your car the dimples and bumps both identified the presence of a switch and indicated the function of a side of a switch. This was done long before LEDs could under illuminate switches and lables and dashes were filled with regular light bulbs for illumination. Although possible to underilluminate switches then, it would have been very expensive and difficult to engineer and even more difficult to design to be user serviceable (necessary when using incandescent lights vs. LEDs). Lots of vehicles by Ford had, and still have, this kind of tactile application. Even though under illumination has become commonplace, it is tactile sensation which best allows us to operate our vehicles while keeping our eyes on the road. Consider, underillumination of switches is a courtesy, not a necessity. Nor should a good driver be glancing down as far as the bottom of the steering wheel to identify the temp control or defrost switch. I entirely rely on the lines, dimples, bumps and dots which Toyota has so intelligently placed on the steering wheel switches. I am glad that the underilumination is low and non-distracting and that it does not compete with the MFD or the spedo.
In my last car that button was behind a door (with some other buttons). That changed more than the speedo; the odometer, the ave & instantaneous economy and temperature changed as well.
One of my first impressions was that the illumination of the controls on the steering wheel were very dim. Not sure whether it is just me or not but after a few months they seemed much brighter. Perhaps I just got used to the level of illumination but they are fine now. Yes, the dimmer control is not illuminated and the factory EV switch next to it is?
have to agree with jeromep, i havent noticed the dim illumination but also realized that i dont have to look at the controls to know what they do. only use a few of em. volume control is much quicker on the dash and my button is always popped up. toggling defrost and heat frequently. temps are set to 65º and i only change them by passenger request (i never acquicse until they start to beg btw ) the dash controls seem to have plenty of illumination. i think it is crtical to make sure the display is dimmed properly. it can be adjusted. if you feel other buttons are not bright enough, try dimming the front display first. or...you c-c-could um... ooooh... cant say it...(was gonna suggest turning off MFD but simply couldnt get it out...the thought was just to horrible!!)
The stearing wheels buttons are illuminated???? Hmmmm. I'll have to check this out since mine are not on my 06. Going in for my 5000 miles service within the week.