Putting my old Explorer into "manual Prius mode": During slow stop-and-go traffic down declining roads, I'd go into Prius mode by putting the car into neutral and shutting off the engine. I'd have to use both feet to brake because of loss of power brakes, but it was never a problem to stop. The most fun was when the decline required me to turn. I did this in a parking garage once and got a great workout making 5-6 right hand turns without power steering down the garage during a really bad jam. Now my Prius does it for me. :/ I miss the old days.
Rory: You're one "sick puppy" (just kidding, of course) But, That is kind of a dangerous maneuver - if an emergency were to occur, I can see bad things happening.... just sayin'
I used to coast a '67 Chrysler Newport for the first downhill 1/2 mile into our neighborhood when I was 17 years old. I don't do that kind of stuff anymore though.
I used to kill the engine of my TR7 and coast the last 1/4 mile to the house when I was in college so my parents wouldn't hear me come home at 5am.. Ahhhh, the good old days....
Sometimes I miss the rumble from the headers and glass packs on my '68 Malibu convertible but back then gas was $0.20 per gallon...lol.
Ah but 'twas not always thus. Before SAAB had 4 cylinders and turbocharging, the 93B model (1959 or 60?) had a 3-cylinder, 2-stroke engine of 750cc displacement that was slightly larger than, and only marginally more powerful than, a Singer sewing machine. You would not have missed the acceleration on that old three-banger. It had a freewheel in the driveline so that you could not over-rev the engine with a lean mixture and thus seize it. The freewheel combined with really excellent aerodynamics for that time (teardrop-shaped), and I found in the downgrades in the hills of Missouri I could coast up to 70-75 mph. Since the engine was throttled back to an idle due to the freewheel, I could fly past cars and trucks silently on the downgrades---until the next uphill, of course! Very Prius-like in that sense. At least with the Prius I don't have to mix 2-stroke oil with the gas whenever I fill it up, so I'll stick to the Good New Days!
I miss heated seats as well. It's a shame that Toyota doesn't offer them on lower trim levels. They really help reduce HVAC use and thus increase gas mileage.
I'm debating looking into getting them put in. I wanted them when I bought it, but didn't care about the other stuff I'd get on a IV. And it would be welcome with these cold temperatures. I get a reminder when I drive the wife's car.