I've been talking about lithium being used to make long range battery-electric vehicles for years: http://mysite.wanadoo-members.co.uk/ecotech/lis3.htm And have been suggesting that somebody should showcase the potential of Lithium-Ion with a 1,000 mile range EV project for ages too.... Now it seems that somebody's actually going to do just that! Kokam, a leading Lithium-ion battery company, have just announced that they are planning to demonstrate a 1,000 mile range battery electric vehicle. http://www.itsinternational.com/news/artic...m?recordID=8759 B)
Wow.. pretty cool. too bad GM scrapped the EV. My mom wanted to get one when they came out, but she just signed into a lease contract with a ford vehicle at the time. They stopped selling them when our lease was up. *shrug*..too bad. i wanted her to get the EV1 too. Kinda bursted my enviromental bubble till i saw the second generation prius That long of a range on an EV car would be really cool. I wonder what the charge time is. Maybe these newer technologies will give EVs a change again at the market... er.. one can hope.
man i wish this was available now b/c i would cancel my prius order and buy that in a heartbeat. that is as long as it was reasonably price. mike