If you call Sirius when your subscription is about to expire, they will give you 5 months for $25.00 + taxes. Just tell them that their rate is too high or you will cancel the service. Then ask them about the 5 month special.
I got the All Access (car & PC) for $52/six months. A little higher than yours, but not bad compared to list.
Rather than renew every 5 months I prefer the 1/2 price for a year at $86 plus taxes and royalty fees.
I do the same for the premier package. If someone ever tells you they can't do back to back promos, just hang up and call again.
I just tell them I have a Ipod with 40Gb of albums. My play content is greater than your top 5 rock stations rotation lists combined! Why would I pay 200 bucks for your service, they give me the cheap rate for the unit in my wife's HyCam!
I traded my Camaro which had XM and went to cancel my subscription because i don't have XM in my Prius C 2 and they sold me a radio with car kit for about $20. They waived the transfer fee from the old radio to the new radio and installation was pretty simple. I always get 5 or 6 months for 25-30 dollars. Beats basic radio with all their commercials.
One of the guys at work just got that same deal. He was actually going to cancel- when they made him that offer he decided to take them up on it....
We've never used Sirius on our v. At $5/month, I would consider it. What up-charges do they add to the $5/month?
Mine's ending this month and I was thinking about subscribing............. until I found out about FM HD, which is FREEEEEEEEEEEEE. Plus some stations even have Multicast so I get about 65 channels total. Who needs SiriusXM..
The best things about XM to me are no commercials and not having to change stations. You can drive across country and never have to search for a station.
I had read about these rates on another forum and just did the "a friend of mine was offered this rate and I'd like it too" when I initially signed up a portable radio a few years back. They were willing to do it with no problem. Like I said earlier, if they say no, just try again. I've found a difference in where your call ends up. The American call center is more friendly. The Indian (or sounds like it anyway) holds the line a bit more.
They sent me a renewal offer of 5 months for $20. $4 bucks a month! haha, they are getting desperate.
My experience has been that the normal Customer Service Department goes to a foreign country with names that do sound Indian. I always choose the Cancellation Department and this has always been in the US, the last time the guy was in Idaho. The times that I have spoken with the Customer Service rep I am always told no back-to-back promos. Then I call the Cancellation Department and I am graciously offered the continued 1/2 price promo for another year. Now I just call the Cancellation Department at renewal time, get to speak with a friendly American and continue on with my 1/2 price deal for another year.
My dear CFO does the discount thing for her Mastodon semi-occasionally, but since my daily commute is about to drop to < 3.0 miles I'm thinking that I personally can suffer through without it. Besides..... Recently, I got an email advising me that mine had been turned on for a few weeks for free. It's almost worth that price. I found myself trying to listen to it only to be disgusted by either the numerous commercials, or the lack of variety in the programming. If I want to listen to commercial-free music sorted by genre I have two phones and a tablet. In addition to podcasts, I have access to on-line lending libraries for audiobooks, gigabytes of music, and all of my vehicles are equipped with a radio in case I find myself missing the 20 minutes of commercials every hour. No thanks!! They're desperate because their service is crap..... ....IMHO.