I'm impressed! I made extra money from my last job from mobilization/demobilization pay= $0.565 a mile - I drove about 3000 miles in my 2007 Prius to the jobsite and back. It's too bad that courier jobs pay so poorly as a Prius V with a slide out roller platform could haul a lot of stuff and do it cheaply.
Update: 265000 Everything is good, I treated her to 4 quarts of royal purple, wanted to see if it could reduce my 5 ounces of oil burn. Also I just put some new tires on her continental ecos, only put 500 miles on them other than that no complaints.
Here is something for ya. Not related to me. My co worker has a prius I believe 2011 or 2010 has 300000 plus has never changed transaxle fluid. He told me the dealer said to change when he does the brakes, because they work together. I told him to change because he is threading on dangerous grounds. I was even going to change it myself but dont want to be responsible. Anyways whatever.
What will you get to replace the Prius V? Would you consider going back to the standard hatchback Prius?
2 fas, hope you had a great xmas and new years and looking forward to another update. You must be getting close to 285,000 now!
Unbelievable! Clearly time is the larger enemy of the hybrid drivetrain, rather than miles. I sure hope that this one continues to treat you well enough that I get to read a post about you hitting 500k sometime in late 2015 or early 2016. Congratulations 2 Fas 4 U and safe travels.
No doubt time matters, but keep in mind that 2Fas overwhelmingly drives flat highway miles at fairly constant speeds. That is the easy life for a Prius traction battery. The more reassuring data comes from taxi drivers who also go beyond 300k miles despite stressing the traction battery without mercy.
My original prediction for 2fas to cross 300K on March 16th 2014 is off... It looks like he will cross 300K this month! My March 16th prediction included 2 weeks time off. Apparently 2fas didn't take any time off. His courier business must be very good Date Miles 2/7/2014 294000 1/15/2014 285000 11/23/2013 265000 10/17/2013 250022 9/6/2013 235000 8/2/2013 220100 7/13/2013 211019 6/18/2013 201019 6/16/2013 199200 6/2/2013 193750 5/14/2013 185000 3/23/2013 165800 2/19/2013 154510 2/7/2013 150000 1/18/2013 145000 11/22/2012 122000 10/5/2012 104000 9/28/2012 100300 9/27/2012 99999 9/24/2012 99500 9/19/2012 97500 9/13/2012 95000 9/9/2012 94000 8/10/2012 87000 6/23/2012 73000 5/4/2012 50000 3/27/2012 30000 3/13/2012 20000 2/13/2012 10000 1/30/2012 3100 1/23/2012 0