Hi all, Please take a look at these two posts if you're interested in more detailed background information on the Prius (2001, now at 140k miles): threads/oil-cooland-leak-in-2001-prius.108393/and threads/red-triangle-in-2001-got-the-codes.131560/ (sorry, couldn't post direct links) Basically, I was told that there might be head gasket leaks and possible leaking from transmission cover back in May 2012 (@ 119k mile). The engine oil was either burned up by the engine (but never saw any smoke) or leaking to somewhere (but never saw any pool of oil anywhere). Not sure what to do, the family kept driving the car, replenishing the engine oil every 5k miles, which wasn't too bad. Then in September 2013, a diagnostic revealed that the traction battery was failing (at least one weak module). Couldn't decide what to do, the car was left undriven. It was started once in November for about 5 minutes to recharge the traction battery (and, indirectly, the 12V battery) a bit and roll the tires so they don't have flat spots. Just today (Feb 1, 2014) I was going to do the same thing again, but the car would not start, withe main battery icon flashing when ignition is switched to "ON". I am guessing the SOC in the traction battery is now too low to spin the ICE. My questions for the Prius community are: Can I charge the traction battery (other than towing it to Toyota and have them use their special equipment) by having another car slowly pulling the Prius (for some short distance): backward (ignition to "ON", but not "READY", and in "D"); or forward (ignition to "ON", but not "READY", and in "D"), while the brakes are lightly depressed for regenerative braking (or in "R" if not pressing on the brakes) Is it worth the money to fix and keep the car? The 12V battery & the main battery need replacement for certain Not sure about the state of health of the transaxle, ICE, inverter, etc. But no issues so far, but in 3 months, they will have been 13 years old (the car was manufactures in Japan in May 2001) If selling, what is a fair price range for the car? I posted it on the local craigslist and a guy is offering $1000 to take it off my hands. Is that a reasonable or a low-ball offer? He also said he is a Toyota Master Hybrid tech and can refurbish the battery for $1200. Or would it make more finanicial sense to sell it for parts? Or time for a new (or used) car? (Prius? Other hybrids? or others...?) Thank you for your thoughts... They are most welcome!
If its Red Triangle, that sounds like the same message you'd get with a low 12V battery. Dumb question, but did you try jump starting?
1. No. If the car is not READY, pushing the car is not going to do anything to improve the traction battery's SOC. 2. My guess is that you will spend ~$200 to replace the 12V battery and $2,000 to replace the traction battery with a remanufactured battery offering a decent warranty, to have it done reasonably well. It sounds like your engine is also starting to have problems that you haven't acknowledged yet. 3. In the US, KBB rates the value of a 2001, very good condition, with 140K miles at $2,700 in a private party sale. You should consult local valuation sources. The tech who can refurb the battery for $1,200 is probably just going to replace the failed modules. That repair will not last very long. His offer of $1,000 for the car in its current condition isn't bad considering my repair cost estimate in #2 above. 4. What does your question #4 mean? Are you able to disassemble the car and provide storage for the parts? Or are you OK with strangers coming over to your location to do this work? Or are you going to tow the car to a salvage yard? 5. It is probably time to buy a newer Prius.
My rule of thumbis: if the rapair = 50% of the cars' value - replace it. If it were me, I'd take the $1000 offer and apply to a new car purchase. Hope this helps, DBCassidy
Thank you for the responses. I have tried to jump start the car, but it didn't work as I think the problem is with the traction battery SOC being too low (the accessories, lights, etc came on fine when ignition is switched to ON.) So that means only Toyota dealers can charge the traction battery and start the car? As for selling the car for parts, is it more financially advantageous to send it to a salvage yard?
You have a 13 model year old vehicle, with more than one issue manifesting. I think even if it wasn't a Prius, I'd be thinking about a change. The only way I keep it, and keep investing? Is if I've just grown to love it so much I want to keep it...just for me. And believe it or not, I think that CAN be reason enough. But if you're not that committed? I'd say time to move on.
I've just gotten some new information. For $1200, the tech offers to rebuild the battery using OEM generation 1 cells. Is that a reasonable price? If it is, is there any concern regarding its reliability (age of cells, etc.)?