Hi! I just got my 2014 Prius Three last week. The color is Blizzard Pearl (when I was still researching stuff I saw a Blizzard Pearl group, but can't find it now). Any tips you want to send my way? I live in Bishop, CA… so it gets cold, but not too much snow (and it usually only sticks once a year). There are a lot of Prius' in Bishop! Amazing to have so many in a small town! This is my first Prius… although I tried to buy one 10 years ago… but couldn't get my hands on one to test-drive, so decided to wait. It feels like it takes a long time to speed up to the other cars… is that reality or just cause it's so quiet? I don't want to irritate other drivers by going slow, so tips on this would be great too! I'm looking forward to this new adventure! Looking forward to hearing from you! PS… tried to upload a photo of my car… but it failed… what am I missing?
welcome and congrats! put her in power mode and pedal to the medal if you want to compete. all the best!
Haven't been able to upload photos… of the car or of me to the profile. Not sure what the problem is… it doesn't tell me… Any tips?
Thanks, Bisco! So, what's the secret to getting likes... since apparently I need them to be able to upload photos. I see you have LOTS!
Haven't been able to upload photos… of the car or of me to the profile. Not sure what the problem is… it doesn't tell me… Any tips?
Can't find one. Maybe it's a time issue. Some things have said I can't do them yet… not until I've been on here for at least a day and had a certain number of posts and stuff. But the photo thing doesn't say that. Odd.