Did the Prius v not pass wind tunnel tests? The rear window collects dirt instantly and needs continual cleaning/washer-wiper action. Are there any spoiler mods or other workarounds for this?
Pretty much any similarly shaped vehicle will do the same thing. The aerodynamics that cause this are the same ones that give you good MPG. The fix is a garden hose.
Any vehicle with a squared-off rear creates a vacuum as it moves through the air, sucking the dirt onto the rear surface. That is why almost all wagons and SUVs have rear window wipers. The rear of a sedan also gets dirty, but the rear window is farther forward, so it doesn't get dirty.
All of us experience the same thing with the v. I carry old towels and wipe it off when I see it bad and it is still wet. Or wait till I get home and use the hose like I did today. Do you also pick up dirt around the edges of the doors? I do. No car is perfect.