There's this floor space between the front seats of my 2005 Prius that's looking for a cargo tray organizer. Is there such a thing. The stuff I keep putting there - nothing stays put. Toyota's list of accessories doesn't include such a product. Does anyone have/come across such a product that fixes this problem. :blink:
No but someone here had a brilliant idea of mounting to bungee cords on either side so that her handbag can stay on the hump and not fall off!
Here's a suggestion: Works for me! And I can still access the drawer when I want to.
I've also found that Velcro holds well on the carpet there - I keep my EZ Pass (toll transponder unit) there rather than attached to the windshield. Then I ask my passenger to hold it up when needed (since I only take toll roads on trips anyway, not for daily commuting). You could probably add Velcro to the bottom of any container or organizer and it would stay in place, though it may block access to the drawer.
I bought a square plastic ice container from a motel and fastened it to the plastic in front with velcro. Can be removed easily for access to the drawer.