After taking a beating this winter driving my Prius v up here in Wisconsin's north woods; thought it was time to see what was available in an all wheel drive hybrid. The Subaru dealership is just down the road from us, so decided to stop in and check out their hybrid. Well right off the bat I discovered it was much smaller than my v, and mileage ratings is closer to the mid twenties that to the low forties. I really miss my 2006 Rav 4. Since we spend much time at our cottage; and almost every weekend we are driving in through 5 -10 inches of snow; I haven't been able to take the Prius. Which means on most weekends I've had to take the gas guzzling Ford Sport Trac. Anyone out there heard any rumors about building a Prius with all wheel drive? Sure would be nice in the snowy parts of the country.
I test drove a Crosstrek a few months ago shopping for new car for my sis-in-law. For what it is, it's not a bad vehicle. Didn't see the need to look at the Hybrid because mpg difference wasn't much. If Toyota could figure out how to do an AWD Prius that gets 40 mpg, I think they would have a hit on their hands!
I got my parents into a new (2013) Rav 4 last summer. They're in northern Michigan so have similar winter conditions to yours in Wisconsin. They're getting close to 30 mpg which surprised me a bit. Don't need the AWD out here in coastal CA so our 2011 Prius hatchback and 2013 Prius v are perfect, but I was very impressed with the RAV 4.
I agree with you…they need to come out with an AWD Prius for us northern folks. I have had two Subaru's in the past, and really liked them; but gas mileage isn't the best, and I noticed that their Crossover needed the second grade gasoline.
I live SW NH. We have 3 Toyotas - a 2002 Sienna XLE; a 2006 Tacoma Quad Cab Sport & a 2009 RAV4 Limited. I love my Tacoma & I use it to plow & sand but I'm getting nauseous every time I pull up to the pump these days. I'm about to pull the trigger on a 2014 Prius v 5 - I need room for at least 2 hockey bags! The Sienna has become disposable & will be going up for sale. On ugly snow days the Prius will stay home & my Tacoma will be getting me to work but I no longer want to get 15 mpg on my daily commute. When you need a truck you need a truck - but I don't need my Tacoma to commute daily! I am soooo looking forwards to becoming a Prius owner!
I don't think you'll miss the Sienna after you get the Prius. If you like the amount of space you have in your RAV, you'll be happy with the room in the Prius v; they seem to have about the same amount of space. BTY, the Prius isn't too bad in snow as long as it doesn't get too deep.
Here in Europe there's the Peugot 3008 Hybrid 4, Diesel engine drives the front and Electric drives the rear, expensive and not as refined as the Prius apparently.