Hi Folks, Back after a while. These days (and during these long, boring, dark months of winter) I am trying to stay motivated by researching the Prius C as a fuel-efficient alternative to my VW Golf and Subaru. I have yet to test drive one and the big question my wife has is: how does it handle at 65-70 mph + how bad is road noise at those speeds? She's a bit hesitant as she had a bad experience decades ago with some trucks trying to squeeze her in her 70's space-orb Honda Civic. I really like the cute look of the Prius C. Cheers CapeAnn
Cs have great road manners. If you get the sport wheel package the 50 series tires/wheels can be a bit harsh if you air them up. There is plenty of glass to see the world around you. You will not feel closed in. I have some 10 hr days in the C on the highway and don't have any problems at all. Speaking of closed in, driving defensively and paying attention to how traffic is evolving goes a LONG way towards not getting pinched between big trucks.
Thank you Mr Incredible! Good to know visibility is good and that being in the car for protracted amounts of time is not an issue. As per road sense - I think my wife's fear goes back to college days when her Civic got rolled & crushed by a semi on the gritty streets of NYC. On a purchasing note - we were going to pull the trigger on a Prius 3 a while back ago. But the wife (who did the test driving) felt the Gen 3 was too squishy and vague with regards to steering and braking. The fact the rear window was smashed out on the test vehicle probably didn't help much! Come Feb - we'll be testing together with hopefully a more objective perspective.
I drive my C from Long Island to New Jersey at least once a month, which involves some of the busiest and nastiest roads in the country - the Cross Bronx Expressway, GW Bridge, I-95, I-80 - all full of trucks and ill-mannered car drivers (not me, of course ). I have no trouble keeping up with the 70+MPH traffic, and the car handles well. Road noise is no worse than any other small car.
I find road noise is the same as with most cars, though it sounds more like a curious "wind tunnel." Sometimes truckers are in a rush, but it's not your car. I saw a trucker nearly grind a station wagon into a guard rail a few years ago.
Thank you FTL and Skylis. The Cross Bronx is one nasty ride, as is the approach to the GW. Gritty is how I would describe it. And rife with potholes & mean temperament. If the ambient noise is like a wind tunnel - COOL! I can hardly wait to test drive in Feb!
Wife spent a couple of years in Italy and was permanently affected by their driving style. I can say for a fact that a standard sized Prius has enough room for all the appropriate gestures and taunts.
Mine's a retired Navy Chief. I'm retired AF, but we get along good enough. I usually do the driving if I'm in the car. It's a thrill a minute.
I've had my C on several road trips of 10-12 hours (500-600 miles) in the NE / midatlantic states, mostly interstate but some rural highway driving. It's fine. Road noise is OK (although I am not particularly sensitive to it) and as long as you maintain good awareness, I personally feel more comfortable in a smaller and more agile car. Driving position and visibility is good and the driver's seat is fine, almost as good as my old Volvo S40 which is the best road car I've owned. I haven't had to make any emergency moves at speed, but ordinary handling is good, the car is solid and stable without a lot of road wander. It's a little sensitive to strong side gusts but not to where it's a problem (note that passing trucks don't affect it).
Thanks folks. I appreciate the feedback regarding Prius C highway stability/impressions . Given my wife's desire for a "safer*" car now I am now looking closely at a 2014 Gen III 2 model come late Feb. * IIHS report on sub compacts overlap data
I drive 120+ miles a day 5 days a week, and there is a part of the interstate on I-70 in West Virginia called 2 Mile Hill, and this prius will accelerate up that hill will with no issues because the electric motor + gas engine are engaged I will pass SUV's and other passenger cars with ease, I love the expression on their faces when I pass them going 70mph up a steep grade, and this is where you can kiss your mpg goodbye,