Hmmm not easy to describe. They are held on with a clip hook. You need to pull up on a tab at the hook and slide the wiper to the base of the wiper arm.
It is not hard to do. A lot depends on if you are simply changing the insert or the whole blade with the holder that snaps on the arm. Front Wipers on Prius on two different lengths 26 inch and 18 inch. Rear wiper is a bit different in the change. It is a 16 inch length. Again you change just the blade insert or the blade and holder. I use Rain X standard blades on the front and the OEM blade on the rear. Usually change the front one once or twice a year and the rear one every other year. Here are some you tube's you can look at. A local parts house can do the front one's easy for you, but the rear one I would let the parts guy at Toyota show you. You can break the arm if you don't do it correctly. changing wiper blades toyota prius - YouTube After seeing it one time you will be able to do it on your own. This one shows how to do the rear wiper - same as the van, just have to remove the plastic piece on the bottom to get the arm to lift off of the glass.
All NAPA parts stores do it for free....The rear one is easy, I have no problem with it. The front one is the one that always confuses me. So, I let NAPA do the fronts...
Thanks, your advise helped and I got the wipers on. They look and feel secure but I am concerned that the wiper assembly I took off (The long one only) had a sort of extension, non removable, on it, and the new one just had the usual simple locking device. Anyone else have this experience?
Probably just a difference in the manufacturer or vendor however you want to look at it. As long as the blade assembly is firmly mounted and stays in place, you should have no problem. Check to be certain that the blade holder will not slide out of the u shape at the end of the arm. If it is snapped into place, there should be no movement. If you have a lot of play there, something is amiss. Best of luck to you.