I am considering performing the modification in the attached pic on my Prius to improve my FE this coming summer. I hope to improve their design somewhat. However, I am a little concerned that the additional weight and reduced aerodynamics might outway any gain I get by not running the Prius' AC. [attachmentid=2404]
You might consider making a little cart for the generator to be towed. That would cut down on some wind resistance.
Do we have to report the fuel usage of generator for a mileage competition? BTW, does anyone know the leaf sticker on trunk lid? It looks a mandatory Rookie sign, less than a year driving experience, in Japan. Ken@Japan
i say cut a hole in the back hatch... it won't mess up your arrow dynamics too much.. and.. uh.. try to run it off the high voltage lines.. see.. now you don't need that extra generator. LOL I needed a good smile. funny post. When i get bored tomorrow i'll photoshop a prius with an A/C unit attached
No, no, no! That misses the entire point! If you're going to use the HV circuit you might as well use the factory A/C. Besides, tapping into the HV circuit might void the warranty.