Sorry to hear about (and see) your car. Glad you and your little one are okay. Think everyone's proud of you for finding the hit & run artist and making him & his insurance pay. Take care and good luck.
Thanks guys!! I will miss being a part of the "C family" but will still check in from time to time and will always be trying to spot them on the road
Nothing yet! I am not a buy the first thing type of person.. I have to love what I drive so I am trying to find the right one
Can you part out your car? if it's totaled? or do you have to give everything as is to the Insurance Company?
Hopefully you have better luck with State Farm than I have had. On 14 Jan 2013 (one year ago) a driver ran a red light and totaled my small SUV. I had State Farm coverage and so did the other driver. SF did pay off my car within two weeks, but they wouldn't even give me blue book value. I was injured and incurred about $70,000+ in medical costs. One year later and SF still hasn't settled on the medical, so none of that has been paid. I've been with SF for 35 years and haven't had a claim with them in over 20 years, yet they are total jerks too me. I had to get a lawyer and I don't see an end to this mess in sight.The other driver was ticketed and had only $50,000 coverage, but I had $100,000 uninsured motorist coverage which my lawyer says can be used to supplement the other driver's coverage. As soon as SF settles I will look for a better insurance company. The only good thing in all this is that I bought a Prius c to replace the totaled Suzuki Grand Vitara, and I love it. After I bought the Prius c, SF kept calling to get me to refinance the new car through them! I politely declined. Had I known that a year later I would still be waiting for a settlement then I would probably not have been so polite. I do like my SF agent, but he has nothing to do with settlements as that is handled by the corporate wolves.
Could be worse, in KY it's a no-fault state in terms of medical insurance for an accident. So while fault is assigned for an accident and car repairs, each insured's handle their own medical, I guess in an attempt to prevent fraud. C
Other than they wanted to try and fix it first, I didn't have any problem with them when it came to settling the car. I ended up getting 20,200 for the car which I was more than happy with... I decided to go through my insurance rather than go through the insurance on the truck when I finally found it because it was a horrible insurance company to deal with or so I have heard. My agent said it would be easier to go through SF and then let SF battle it out with the other agency to get the money back. I was out my deductible but hopefully will eventually get that back when they get the money from the other agency. They said it could be months though. Now I haven't dealt with the medical portion of it yet though. I have had two doctors visit on the knee so far but they billed it straight through to the insurance company. Hopefully it won't be too hard to deal with but hubby is an attorney so if I run into problems, he has friends that can step in and file stuff I guess if I have to.
Yep very big change! There are things that I miss from my C though but some cool features on the MDX.
The car business is not based on love but just like any business its income vs expense. A 2012 Prius C will sell retail for about $15,500' that means the wholesale is about $14,000 just as they offered. After conditioning, paperwork, and advertising they will likely profit by about $1000, pretty average. Any damage or excess miles to your car will drop the value accordingly... Just as the buyrer expects, it needs to be near perfect. Nowdays most used car buyers of significant value will not pay much more than wholesale so you are much underwater, you owe more than its worth. Thats virtually a lock for cars with a loan close to retail and less than 2 years old and with no more than 15,000 miles per year on the odometer. Again, more that lowers your equity value as well. Thr reason is most car loans collect interest up front so your equity doesn't increase very much initially.Your course of action if a bigger vehicle is necessary would be consider an expensive car that has a lot of profit built-in so the seller can absorb the $3500 diff between worth and retail. Yes, its expensive but thats the only successful way I've seen people get above water. You might be OK if you can find a buyer willing to pay $17.5k Sorry, but you're situation is pretty common these days just as it has been for decades. Wish I could offer better but I can't based on 50 years in automotive business.
traded in my 2012 c 1 with 36600 miles got $13500 sticker on my car was only $19700 find a toyota dealer who is thinking of spring and find a good deal. Heck the dealership I bought at had a 2013 camry brand new asking only $19999 I decided to go with a 2014 corolla $500 more but s model and lots of extras.
Thanks guys!! When they totaled it out- I got 20,200 which was a good settlement I thought. Hated to see her go that way though but with all the frame damage- would have been hard to make her right again.