Has anyone noticed an increase in police attention after going from a 'regular' car to a Prius? I had been ticket free for 15-20 years before the Prius. Since I got the Prius 1 year ago I have recieved a ticket for not coming to a complete stop at a yield sign ( no joke, a yield sign), a ticket for not going fast enough in the left lane, and let go with a warning for using a cell phone (no phone was in the car). I really feel like I am targeted because I'm driving a Prius.
Apparently, the Prius is one of the most hated cars. Or should I say, the driver of a Prius. Unfortunately, a few drivers out there have ruined the mass perception out there that all Prius drivers drive slow, don't make complete stops, etc. in the pursuit of every last mile per gallon of gas. It would seem that it's in the minds of your local LEO's as well. SCH-I535
not going fast enough??? Basic speed law saws never drive faster than what you feel is safe in the road condiontions. btw 26% of all prii sold in the US are in California
Not going fast enough in the left lane was what he stated and as far as I'm concerned, he got off easy with just a warning.
You did not fill out a Location, so no one can even comment on if those even are laws. (I am sure they are somewhere) So few hybrids are in MS that I get no Prius hate, no one has even seen a Prius before. (last I knew, MS was in last place among US states, one car in 1400 was a Prius. There is also only one Tesla in the state)
I'm in new jersey. When I got off with a warning it was for talking on a cell phone. I was let off with a warning only after I proved I did not even have a phone, let alone talk on one. My point is, I have been pulled over three times without real cause since I got my Prius. Hey, on the plus side i saved about 1k on gas in 2013.
Not really seeing that. Tend to think cops probably think Prii drivers are slower. One time though I was pulled over for a dead headlight; he must've seen it the moment it went out. I had no idea why I was getting stopped. Got a warning, and had to fork over $200 to Toyota to change the bulbs. Now I can do it myself, but I couldn't budge the suckers as rec'd from the factory. NJ small towns can be pains, that's where I got all my tickets (pre-Prius).
Have not had any problem, but my Prius driving creed is that you always drive fast enough to not disrupt traffic. If you doddle through an intersection at 10 mph so the engine does not start and burn a drop of gas, or drive 20 mph slower than traffic in the wrong lane, you can expect a well deserved arse kicking from cops or other drivers. Remember, you can drive the wheels off the thing and still exceed 50 mpg, better than anything else out there, so their is really no good reason to PO everyone else on the road to make just a bit more.
I never got nailed for going too slow nor do I drive in the left lane except to pass someone or use an exit. I misread the OP's statement and realized he was ticketed for the offense. I think it was justified given NJ's "keep right except to pass" law.
Not by police, but I get way more very close cutoffs by idiots. They cut so close in front of me that they nearly take off my front end. I have a front view drivers camera for the day when they are not successful at squeezing in front of me.
Never got pulled over with either Prius. Although we have pretty tough distracted driving laws and people seem to get pulled over for just looking down. Me I keep both hands on the steering wheel because I've noticed most police looking for that. iPad ? HD
It's funny, in Maine I can get away with driving at 62-63 mph on the interstate and the majority of traffic goes past faster, but I always end up with a line of drivers who come up from behind and then settle into the same comfortable speed I have, and they just sit there for miles, maintaining a respectable distance and obviously not waiting to get off at the next exit. It just seems to be an agreeable speed for a lot of people. Once in a while a Prius will be behind me.