They're just jealous of the mileage we get and how we get away from the pump less expensively. Agreed: the Stuff I Hate blog was laugh out loud funny!
Today I'm rolling to work, cruise set to 65 with traffic on a 55 highway, a car about 2 seconds ahead, not many cars on the road. A car comes up behind me and passes but starts to slow as its pulling alongside. I see its a 2010 or 11 silver Prius just like mine, yippee. Then before he finishes passing, he puts on his turn signal 30 times and pulls in between me and the car I'm following. I look in my mirror and see a dark road for awhile, nobody behind me anymore. This Prius starts to slow down and finally at 58 I give up and pass him. My question is Wth to him? No exit nearby, no reason mpg would've been better. Definitely a moron.
He is basically telling you as a responsible Prius owner you should drive below the speed limit to conserve energy and natural resources.
He just wanted you to pull over and chat. You know, to compare notes. Note: Yes, there are Prius morons out there too.
Good points I suppose, but at 0530 I don't want to pull over to chat with anyone, or take points on how slow or fast I should drive.... At least not until I finish my coffee!
Yes. I drive slower. But I've come to realize that driving faster in the left lane vs. driving slower in the right lane still results in me getting to work/home at about the same time due to traffic.
Remember accelerating slowly up to your desired speed is not saving you gas (half the gas consumption rate for twice as long uses about the same amount of gas in the end), but cruising at 55 mph instead of 70 mph is saving gas.
Not entirely true but the difference is probably small. Also it depends on how well the CVT keeps the efficiency at its maximum for each speed. That could be a significant factor. See this Acceleration Test
You're talking about highway/freeway driving, yes? It's perfectly legal to pass people on the right, provided there is a lane to do it in. I do it all the time. In my Prius. As for tailgaters, usually guys in pickup trucks, they are why Buddha gave you a middle finger and a pedal to make your brake lights flash. Carefully slow down, then slow down some more. And some more. Drives 'em crazy, and they always pull out from behind you and pass. Morons. They make me want to get that bumper sticker: "Nice truck. It's unfortunate about your penis."
Agree with some of the above but not "middle finger and a pedal to make your brake lights flash" part. Flipping off a redneck (from a Prius no less) with an inferiority complex could really put him into redneck-rage mode. A brake check at highway speeds could cause a panic reaction causing an accident. I'm all for the gradual slowing down till they can't take it any more method! From what I've seen- most of the monster truck morons act badly to other non-monster truck vehicles too, not just Prius's.
Agreed.. When I was younger (early 20's) and someone tailgated me I would either slam the breaks or gradually slow down to make them pass me... One time there was an aggressive driver on the northern state parkway where I live who was weaving in and out of the two lane highway past other cars and riding the asses and flashing them to make them move out of his way.. It was some souped up export.. He made it past 5 or 6 cars in front of me but when traffic slowed in his lane and I passed him, he got right on my nice person again so I aligned my car with one in the right lane and maintained the same speed so the guy couldn't pass either of us. He continued swerving left and right behind my car and the one to my right flashing, honking, etc... We kept this up for a few miles and the guy in the car to my right smiled and gave me a thumbs up since we both were on the same page... eventually I figured the guy learned his lesson and I moved over to the right and let him pass. He was cursing and screaming as he passed with his face bright red and he continued the same behavior up ahead.. he didn't learn a thing.. Would I ever do anything like that today? No way... You never know if the guy has a gun, or is crazy enough to run you off the road... Just read this article about a road rage incident where a guy was followed for 15 miles, ran off the road, and shot/killed. It's not worth it.. let the moron pass.. Driver in deadly road rage shooting in Pennsylvania chased motorist 15 miles: police - NY Daily News -Keith
Hey, thanks for the new, to me anyway, word! Colligate - Merriam-Webster Online Colligate - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary col·li·gat·edcol·li·gat·ing. Definition of COLLIGATE. transitive verb. 1. : to bind, unite, or group together. 2. : to subsume (isolated facts) under a general concept.
Is Prius a Moron Magnet? Well I guess it goes both ways... other drivers probably consider Prius owners morons!
No doubt they're out there. However, the Prius has inherently made the driver more self aware of the consequences of too much speeds, abrupt braking and wasting fuel. As a result of this new found awareness we have become targets of the aggressive driver. Those are my observations, that's all.
Just changed car to a 2010 prius from a 2010 chevy hhr., while not similar, neither car has ever been accused of being a speed demon. Here in the DC area commuting sucks. I'm lucky as I go in early and go home early so I miss the worst of it. All small cars around here seem to get tailgated, cut-off, ect. in the last few weeks I have noticed that my driving style has changed. I'm not gearing for the left lane as much, being deep in traffic at a light doesn't bother me as much any more... All drivers have the ability to be morons. what I have done when folks want to tail gate or pull next to me and tell me I'm number 1. I roll the window down and blow them a kiss. Its funny as you watch their head explode. Kill em with kindness...
Just as long as im not in the fast lane will i do the same thing. But when im not in the prius i become like one of the typical drivers on the road looking to overpass as many as I can.