I would like to make a suggestion that I think would help everyone: The first time an abbreviation is used in a post it should be defined. For example: Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) after that the reader would know that ICE stands for the 'main' engine. However used by itself the abbreviation could also stand for In Car Entertainment. I know that reading the document and applying common sense, the reader should be able to deduce the intended meaning. Also, there is a glossary of terms, and abbreviations at PriusChat Glossary | PriusChat. It is much more comprehensive to have the subject defined rather than go to another site to look it up. Moderator: I have know idea which forum this should be in, my apologies if this is wrong.
i had this trouble when i first got started, but you catch on after awhile. and you can google the non prius abbreviations as well.
Of course. We can all use Google, but why not follow normal convention and let your reader understand what you are saying?
The usual style in technical journals is to write the abbreviation followed by the term in full the first time it is used, then just the abbreviation after that. So initially: "After the ICE (Internal Combustion Engine) warms up...", then just ICE in the following text.
The reason abbreviations are used? Because the same questions pop up every few days/weeks. Also, people are lazy. And my number one reason? I'm posting from a mobile device that lacks a real keyboard. SCH-I535
LOL, SMH, LMAO, Lmao, Wth, BRB, AFAIK, IIRC, IMO, IMHO. And my personal favorite... RTFM Yes, Google is your friend. SCH-I535