I got the call this morning telling me that I could have a package 6 in a couple of weeks. Do the voice features, such as voice dialing, work without the nav? Toyota's website only mentions voice-activated nav, but I know others have mentioned other voice enabled features that are not related to the navigation system.
The voice recognition is incorporated into the Nav System. While it can control things like the radio, climate control, MFD, etc. is it not available unless you have the Nav CPU installed. If Toyota had changed this for 2006, I would have expected them to be promoting it on their website. I think it would be reasonable to ask the dealer if the car he's offering has voice recognition. If he says yes, ask for a demonstration before commiting to purchasing the car. Personnally, my car has the navigation system, which I like for traveling in unfamiliar areas. However, I wouldn't really miss the voice recognition system system if it were removed. Passengers are impressed, but I don't generally use it.
2006 Voice Recogition Comes With The JBL Audio System, NOT Navigation There was a Voice Recognition System change in 2006. The Bluetooth Voice Recognition System comes with the The JBL Premium AM/FM 6 Disc Changer Audio System. The Hands Free System is fully described in pages 171-236 (Instruments and Controls) of the regular Owners Manual, NOT in the Navigation Section.
Does anyone know if this bluetooth capability can be added to the JBL system in a 2005 Prius (pkg #5) without NAV?
Why Add The Toyota 06 Bluetooth Voice Recognition System to Your 05? It sounds somewhere between doubtful and very expensive to create a look-alike upgrade from the Prius 05 non-Voice Recognition to the 06 Voice Recognition System. Changes that come to mind would include upgrading to the 06 JBL system (for the integrated electronics), plus at least changing the steering wheel for the control buttons and wiring the internal Mic into the overhead console. There are some Great aftermarket Bluetooth units available from Parrott and most of the Cell Phone manufacturers that have more features for a lot less $$ than the conversion/upgrade you have in mind. PS. Don't expect anything more than "functional" Hands-Free conversation from any Bluetooth installation. If you're expecting home or office speakerphone quality, forget it! Everything other than handsfree conversation from your garage, with the engine, radio and A/C off and with the windows rolled up is a comprimise. The more "normal" equipment, road, weather, etc. noise that's present, the worse Bluetooth quality gets.
Thanks, Vincent. I'll forget the idea and heed your advice. Since I am planning on getting an aftermarket NAV, I guess I'll get something like the Tom Tom GO 700 that includes bluetooth capability.
Thanks for the information 8AA and Vincent. I did know that the bluetooth hands free kit came with package 6, I just did not know if that included voice recognition commands. I agree, 8AA, that I wouldn't use many of them, but the ability to voice-diial while driving is tempting.
Can anyone post a link to a pdf of the 06' Manual (and nav manual?) You used to be able to get it - I have an 04' version of both but would love to have 06'.
So, there is no Voice Recognition with Package #6's? Can't change the temperature or volume, etc, by voice?
There seems to be a lot of confusion about this in this thread. A lot of these answers seem to assume nothing changed between '05 and '06. Vincent got it right, however. Voice recognition in the '05 was tied to the NAV package. In '06, at least in the US, it is part of the JBL/Bluetooth system. So, for '06, it is available in package 5 and above. As for adding Bluetooth to a non-Bluetooth Prius, I recently saw tag say this, and it looks like a good recommendation to me: "Motorola HF820; a simple BT speaker/mic that clips to your visor (or anywhere, really) and is available for around 70 bucks. I bought one for my wife and she loves it. She uses the voice dailing feature on her phone to place calls handsfree." Sorry, tag...
You press and release a button on your steering wheel. The audio system will quiet, then you wait for a beep, then speak the command. If you speak an actual command, and talk the way the car wants you to, it will do what you ask. If there's a lot of ambient noise, or you have an accent, you may not be so lucky. It understands me almost always, but some people have trouble getting the system to understand them.
I have an '06 package 6. Last night, I thumbed through the manual trying to figure out the voice commands. If I read correctly, since I do not have NAV, the only real use of my voice command is to have it dial a phone number. If one has the NAV, then you can direct the NAV to certain POI's or to go "home." To me, the voicemail command won't be too useful. I had hoped I would be able to control the radio and climate control via the voice commands. For others out there with an '06 without NAV, please let me know if I am correct about the functions. Thanks. Merry Christmas, Justinc
You should be able to control the radio and climate control via the voice commands, no problem. Attached is a list of the '05 commands, I doubt they've changed for '06.
Thanks, I'll give it another shot. I don't recall my manual listing the radio and climate controls. Also, I do not have the NAV.
I don't think the '05 manuals listed any of the voice commands. You had to call them up from the voice help menu like in that link I posted. Someone transcribed those, which became the lists you see uploaded here. If you don't have Nav, don't try the Nav commands.
So, do we have a definitive answer yet on whether audio and climate can be controlled via voice recognition on a 2006 Package 6? Thanks.