hello just brought this 2012 3 and looking to buy 4 new tires for it. it as Bridgestone Ecopia EP20 on it now. I was wordering if I should stay with them tires ($535.00) or local tire dealer as the Firestone Affinity Touring on sale buy 3 get 4 free at ($405.00) what do you think?
Is fuel economy important to you? If so, go with either the Ecopia's or Michelin Energy Saver's (the Michelin's should get better mileage, but generally cost more).
For fuel economy, one of these are good: Bridgestone Ecopia EP422 (longer tread life than EP20) Michelin Energy Saver A/S Continental PureContact with EcoPlus There may be a few other LRR tires worth considering, but avoid performance tires or stay near the gas pumps.
Consider the Hankook Optimo H426 Grand Touring All-Season LLR. Currently $62 on tirerack.com Hankook Optimo H426 Grand Touring All-Season
consider the Michelin energy saver a/s: they're the best for handling as long as it's not snow then best mpg mileage tire out there
I disagree with the avoid performance tire line. you do need to give much more info on your driving style, where you live, etc. If you value handling and wet weather performance is important, you can go all out and get Michelin Pilot Sport a/s 3. Costco has them for $144 with $70 off for 4. Handling in the dry and especially the wet is lightyears better than any of the tires mentioned. they may even be better in light snow than all of the above. This is accomplished with only a very moderate hit to MPG. Well worth the imporved safety afforded by the vast performance improvement. Stopping distance may improve by 10 feet or more in the wet.
I'm in south jersey. highway miles to work. 14 miles each way to work. easy going as far as driving goes. just looking for good mpg,handling and good in snow when we get it. 15" tire
The EP20 are a good replacement, for everything except "good in snow". You're really asking for the miracle tire with that, LOL. The EP20 will be ok in snow when brand new, but once it's worn, say to around 6/32" remaining tread depth, forget it.
Purchased Michelin Defenders and I am happy, I am getting similar mileage I received on the stock tires, Its an OK tire, don`t know about snow with the Defenders though.