Anyone has some insight when will the CA green stickers run out? As of 12/31/13, 28,739 out of 40,000 stickers were issued. I plan to make a purchase in April and I am wondering if I can still get in?
I JUST BOUGHT A PIP LESS THAN 24 HOURS AGO. The question and answer are a trick. My decision to buy one before tax time because I was thinking they would run out of HOV. They will run out but not before they run out of a new PRIUS destined for California. California issues an HOV allotment to each qualifying car. So ... Toyota has a HOV sticker for every PIP in CALIFORNIA as does the other HOV's I was told this by the person who did my HOV permit application at the Thousand Oaks Toyota Dealer.
The 40,000 sticker limit applies to all eligible vehicles. There is not a separate allotment for each qualifying car. You were misinformed, as often happens at dealerships. See this link and count up the cars eligible for green stickers in the accompanying chart. Eligible Vehicles - Single Occupant Carpool Lane Use Stickers
Projecting at the rate since 9/1/13, they will run out in early May. However, two opposing factors may come into play. The last months of the year are the highest auto sales months, so they might last longer into 2014. I've heard some people say early summer. But when buyers realize they are running out, they may buy their plug-in earlier, so the stickers might run out sooner.
That may not help, as they only update the total every two months or so. What might help is if recent CA PiP purchasers would post their sticker numbers here.
I think thats what this thread has been re-purposed to do.. just check the last page every week or so to get an idea: Has anyone received a CA Green HOV Sticker yet? | PriusChat
That's a good idea. In fact I'm on the first page of that thread and the sticker on my PiP is in the two-digit range. I am thinking of getting another plug-in.
California just upped its green HOV lane stickers to 55,000 (in July 2014). The main problem seems to be that we are never quite sure of the rate at which these stickers are issued, so it’s a guessing game about when the last one will be issued! I finally figured out this problem … I calculated the rate by looking at earlier versions of the California Air Resources Board website, and made a graph that projects the date when the current quota of 55,000 stickers will be gone. Per my projection that will happen is early October 2014. See image below You can read about my analysis and see the graph on my blog here: GREEN then SOLAR: California HOV Lane Access Green Stickers - When Will They Run Out? Hope this helps people buying hybrid-electric cars!
Another data point. As of August 11, 2014, 50,098 "green" stickers have been issued. Eligible Vehicles - Single Occupant Carpool Lane Use Stickers
With the latest date published as of 8/11/14 and the # at 50,098; from your chart above looks like it could run out by 1st or 2nd week of September. There is a spike between 7/21 to 8/11 vs the linear curve from 5/9 to 7/21. Unless that # is to catch up all the backlog that was accumulated when the 40k limit reached in May.
Has anyone been able to determine if the stickers issued to dealers are counted as "issued" before or after the cars are actually delivered to customers?
I updated my calculation of when we will run out of the new 70,000 green decal sticker limit. Check it out ... Interestingly there was a significant up-tick of issued stickers as we got close to previous limit of 55,000 and the limit was reached a good month and a half before my linear prediction graph told us it would ... learning from that, we can expect another significant up-tick neat 70,000 which means we will likely hit 70,000 1.5 months before the new straight line prediction of June 10th 2015. That means we will likely hit 70,000 near early April 2015! (ie. night about now!)