Left Front Door Damage :(

Discussion in 'Prius v Care, Maintenance and Troubleshooting' started by miscrms, Jan 23, 2014.

  1. miscrms

    miscrms Plug Envious Member

    Aug 21, 2007
    Phoenix, AZ
    2005 Prius
    So... to make a long story short the drivers side front door was damaged on our brand new v. There was an "unplanned" reversing incident in which the door caught on something and was wrenched back past its normal range. Not a good day.

    After disassembling the door, and removing it several times I was at least able to get it to close so we could continue driving it while we figure out what to do. Service manual from techinfo was pretty handy for finding all the clips etc so as not destroy the trim trying to get it out. I assume the door itself is pretty much trashed due to major wrinkling of the outer skin and distortion / tearing around the door check attachment. The hinges themselves seem straight, but the points where they attach to the pillar seem bent slightly, causing the hinge to slope out slightly from front to back.It was only by adjusting the hinges all the way back that I could get it to close at all, and it still looks too far forward in terms of the gap at the back.

    Any advice / thoughts? Am tempted to look for a used door in the same color (silver) and swap the glass/internals to it, but concerned it may still not close right. :/ The door as it is is pretty much functional, all the buttons / locks / window etc all work fine and it seems to close solidly. Just looks terrible. I guess another option might just be to replace the check which is all bent to heck and groans and leave it for now.

    If we decide to have it repaired at a body shop, anybody have a rough idea of what we're likely looking at cost wise?

  2. JACoH

    JACoH Enjoying the mileage

    Oct 11, 2009
    2012 Prius v wagon
    I was hit by a driver merging directly into my lane, rather than the center lane, last year on my "v" wagon. They replaced the door and repaired the frame in front of it, total $ 1500.00. You should have your insurance pay for it, get it fixed right at a good body shop.