This is a little off topic but. . .This past weekend (January 19, 2014) I drove my 2012 Prius C Two from Springfield, IL to Chicago, IL. In IL outside Chicago area on most expressways the maximum speed of 65 MPH and has been raised to 70 MPH. However the minimum speed of 55 and been lowers to 45 MPH. So what I did was get on I55 get in the left lane set my cruse as 46 MPH. I was averaging 65 MPG but got as high as 70 MPG. I was going really slow so other drivers did get mad, but I was doing the legal minimum. The trip is about 300 miles. That more the 11 MPG over the EPA estimate. If you slow down in a Prius C or almost any car your MPG will go up. Also, I know there are forms about putting a tow bar on a Prius C and towing with a Prius C. Does anyone have the links for them? Thanks.
Left lane is the passing lane... geebus I wish cops would enforce the law. Slower traffic keep right. Keep right except to pass.
I understand your desire for huge miles per gallon numbers, but.... For the love of humanity... The slower you go, the further to the right you ought to be. At or under the speedlimit, especially going 46 in a 70, stay in the FAR right lane... Not only could you have been hurt, you will create massive road rage for everyone else. Very dangerous.
Don't people in the far left lane drive fast anyway (sometimes like way above the speed limit)? You could have gotten yourself killed in an accident. Great job on the fuel economy, but stay to the right!
Essentially you saved $8 (at $4 a gallon of gas for 2 gallons saved after going 300 miles) by going 46 mph versus driving at 70mph. You put people's lives at risk and took over 2 hours longer to reach your destination than if you had gone 70mph. Is your time really worth $4 an hour? No matter what lane you were in, it's still unsafe to go slower than everyone for such a long distance. This reply is not meant to express hate, just trying to reason with you on why achieving the best fuel economy doesn't always make sense.
It's easy to confuse left and right at slow speeds. When being tailgated, some people look behind through the rear window while they drive *sry couldnt resist*
I'm glad I live in Ohio. State law here says that as long as you go the speed limit on a three lane highway, you can't get pulled over. I do just that. Can't get pulled over for it and it's not my fault if I'm hit. People need to learn to drive; not be going 75 in a 65. They should have left 10 minutes earlier. Plus, they have two other lanes to choose from. :T Now, on a two lane road, I'm not like that. :V
It's illegal in every state to pass on the right. So even if they are doing 1 mph over you are making them break the law. Every state has a 2 mph lee-way for speedometer incorrectness. Why be an nice person-hat? How about just get out of the way and let the cops do their jobs? Why have a potential accident? Why piss someone off when it isn't needed?
That may be the case, but I've never seen it enforced anywhere around NYC. Here's a useful page summarizing state laws on left lane use: State "keep right" laws
Here's the two laws in regard to Ohio that permit driving at speed in the left lane with three or more lanes: Lawriter - ORC - 4511.25 Lanes of travel upon roadways of sufficient width. Line A3 And for passing on the right: Lawriter - ORC - 4511.28 Overtaking and passing upon the right of another vehicle. Line A2 So, both me driving on the left and them passing on the right are both legal. Accidents aren't my fault if I'm rear ended driving lawfully. They need to be paying attention to the road. I'm not making anyone break laws. There are 2 other lanes to choose from if they REALLY feel like speeding. If there is a traffic tie-up, then it doesn't really matter because no one will be able to speed around. xP
As mentioned in a previous post. In Ohio, on the turnpikes, it is illegal to be in the left lane without passing. But either way. You continue to do your thing and be discourteous. No sweat off my back. I'll get out of the way and not piss folks off.
Rule of thumb, anything lower than 55mph on highway is dangerous and stupid. Even though, I saw a huge construction truck (chain, not tires) was driving on highway at ~20mph. I regret that I didn't call the cop on that idiot. If anyone hit him, they will die.