I have a 2012 prius v with just over 15,000miles. The dealer tells me the rear brakes are worn to the point that both rotors and pads need replacement. The front brakes are fine. Does this sound normal? My VW Passat went much farther in similar driving before needing this. And, the thought of having to spent $700 or so every 15,000 miles does not make me happy about the future with this car.
This is not normal and hard to believe. Make them show you, and if you do not know what you are looking at, go see someone else who does.
Unless you brake like a madman, its very unlikely you'd wear out the brakes this fast on any car. Also $700 seems really high for just the rear brakes.
A model 2012 with +15,000 miles...something is wrong with the car or the service department. Get a second opinion please.
Only if the parking brake has been dragging. I'd consider this either a warranty issue or a downright crooked dealer. Rear brakes could easily last 150,000 miles or more. Take it to a brake specialty shop and see what they say, or to a different dealer. Normally you expect to wear out 2 sets of front brakes for 1 set of rear, maybe 3.
I can't see a dealership service department willfully falsely reporting the status of specific brakes. Look into the low hanging fruit: dragging parking brake, seized caliper pins. What's your location? Salted roads might be a factor. And just to dispel the mystery, if you're able: jack up at least one rear corner, or the complete rear, and remove one wheel for a look yourself.
Pads are not covered under the basic 3/36 warranty, but with this few miles it can not be attributed to "normal wear". Either way, my recommendations stands to get confirmation the work is required, and if it is, why.
I'll add that with the sort of drag required to wear the brakes in 15K miles, the OP should also be seeing some pretty poor gas mileage.
If the car has been in constant use then it is extremely unlikely that the brakes need replacement, however if it had been stood on a dealers forecourt for a while then the rotors could have rusted, leading to premature wear of the pads. Do the rotors look shiny ?
I must say that this sounds improbable when the majority of Prius owners often do not need the brakes service for 100,000 miles or more (or so I have heard). I hope the tales of costly brake service are few and far between, because that's one of the many reasons I bought one - the maintenance savings!
One of the best ways to avoid a costly brake rebuild is by periodic "service", ie: removing the wheel, removing caliper mounting bolts, ensuring the calipers pins are not seizing, pad wear is even, disk is wearing evenly and not warping. A cursory inspection yearly, and more in-depty inspection bi-yearly, is in the schedule I believe.
For sure - I should have been more clear in my post. I know that inspections, etc. still need to be done and are on the schedule, but I just meant that the number of incidents of brake repair/replacement (especially say, within the first 5 years or so) should be far less with a Prius compared to conventional vehicles.
Never put brakes on my 2005 Prius with 227,000 miles on it. Do a lot of interstate driving. Hybrid battery now needs replaced. Can't deal with the flying bridge on the current Prius. Looking at a new Prius V