Toyota has reduced the cost of making the new 2007 Camry engine by 50%. Here is the link ==> Toyota's stated goal is to reduce the next generation Synergy drive cost by 50%. Doesn't this make it seem possible? Here is the link ==>
Not only that, the new GR series engines (the new 3.5 litre) are lighter and has less components than the MZ series engines (3.0 & 3.3 litre). If they can do it for engines, they most certaintly can do the same for the battery, motors and so on. I mean, I'm sure the people in charge of the RAV4 EV aren't out of a job =)
I know you're just joking, but seriously a great amount of the money saved on manufacturing is being pumped into Research and Development: the kinds of things that make Hybri Synergy Drive possible.
If the pricing I saw for the 2007 Camry is correct. I think the savings are being passed on to the consumer. I think the price is almost the same as they are now and you get waaaaaayyyyy more car.
So, what are the impediments to the US car maker CEO's walking in and saying, HOW do we get productions costs down by even 10%. Oh yeah, big salaries, union rules, gov't regulations......
Yeah, the Camry LE price is now Cdn$25,800 compared to $24,990 for the 2006 version. The XLE V6 is now $37,245 compared to $36,835.