Both use different method to get the info. Let me give you an analogy. There are many buses traveling to/from Terminal A (ECU A) to Terminal B (ECU B). Along the route (CAN bus), there is a bus stop (OBDII port). 1st Scenario (Non-Diagnostic Mode): The bus operator (Car manufacturer) did not plan to have the bus to stop at the bus stop. So even if you flag the bus at the bus stop, the bus wouldn't stop. However, you can still see what bus no. is on the bus by observing the traffic at the bus stop. 2nd Scenario (Diagnostic Mode): Later, the bus operator decided to have the bus to stop at the bus stop. So, if you flag the bus at the bus stop, it will stop for you. Vincent
Thanks for explanation. I noticed tonight that with regen or CHG mode that the increase/decrease is backwards. When you first take your foot off of accelerator the HSI number jumps to 1012. As you apply brake pressure the number decreases toward 900. Then as you are slowing it slowly increases back toward 1000. When you come to a complete stop it jumps to 1012 for a second or two before going to 0. It is like it should be a negative number but is displaying as positive. Dwight
Pls refer to my post#1. There is currently no function to tell SG that the result is a signed number, I think even in your later firmware ver. For any number greater than 511, you need to subtract 1024 from it. For e.g. 1012 - 1024 = -12 900 - 1024 = -124 1000 - 1024 = -24 512 - 1024 = -512 If you just want to see the CHG part, you can change the MTH to 00010001FC00 and SG would display the -ve no. correctly but then all the +ve no. will be wrong. You can only choose 1, it is a limitation of SG. For your newer FW, I think you can setup 2 gauges, 1 for +ve and 1 for -ve. Vincent
Vincent, I forgot about reading your post #1 some time ago. Sorry. Now that I understand the CHG numbers that will be good enough for me. Thanks, Vincent
Vincent, Just for curiosity I created an Engine Link PID for the hsi above but it only displayed a constant 18%. I just used 0 for the default ECU. The obddata.log file indicated the PID does not exist: >024e 7E8 03 7F 02 12 Curious as to why SGII will display the passive XGauge but EL will not. EL displays a lot of other standard passive XGauges. Dwight
Hi Dwight, If you send 024E to EL, it will treat it as Mode=02, PID=4E, which is a diagnostic request for Freeze Frame Data for 4E. The return of 7F and 12 say it does not exist is expected. Passive XGauges are not sending any diagnostic request, it just listens for a matching header pattern, 0247 in this case. The 024E 024F in the TXD is sent so that SGII will invert bit 3 of the lowest nibble of TXD and then watch out for the header pattern, 0247, in RXF (1111b => 0111b). Actually, the value in TXD is insignificant, the most important criteria are RXF and RXD for passive mode. I don't think EL or Torque has the ability to display passive PIDs at the moment. Both require to sent the Mode and PID as the request. AFAIK, ELM327-based program that has the ability to read passive PIDs is PriiDash(TM). However, it currently supports Gen2 and needs to be recompiled to support Gen3. Vincent
Vincent, As always, thanks for the excellent explanation. I am confusing passive XGauge with Standard PID's. EL displays standard PID's. Thanks, Dwight
I went back and checked the Repair Manual for the oil pressure switch. It indicates that to test the oil pump you need to remove the oil pressure switch and install an oil pressure gauge. They give the correct pressure readings as 8.7 psi at Idle and 21 psi at 2500 RPM. It is too bad that they do not have an oil pressure sensor to monitor oil pressure. Others have indicated that with the ICE turning off so often that an oil pressure indication would confuse most people when the pressure went to zero. I understand this reasoning for not displaying the oil pressure on the instrument panel but I would like to be able to monitor it with SGII or Engine Link.
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