After seeing a few Prius's driving around with Scion wheels, I decided to take the plunge. Picked up a set and had Bridgestones installed on them. After that, I still felt something was missing so I went ahead and had the windows tinted. This is in addition to the previous extras: mudflaps, xm radio, rear bumper guard, and bra. I am very happy with all of the additions, but the wheels make the most visual difference. What do you think? [attachmentid=2004] [attachmentid=2005]
Car looks GREAT with the TC wheels!! HUGE improvement over stock!! Thanks!! Brian BT Tech 305-652-3115
Oh, and I forgot to say that this car is almost 2 years old and has 35,000 miles on it. I do have my fair share of stone chips on the front end, but no accidents or door dings to date (knock on wood).
Oh, wow! Those wheels look great on the Prius! I was considering eventually getting them on mine (which I should have soon), but was afraid they might make the car look too gangsta like, but they actually look fantastic!! Nice tint job too. Where'd you get the tint done, what % of darkness is it, and how much was it approximately if you don't mind me asking? (I work in HB and live in Los Al so I'm somewhat nearby)
Tint was done at USA Window Tinting in Westminster, CA. Cost only $120 and they did a great job. Would highly recommend. I do not remember the %, but it was the lightest tint on the front side windows and 2 shades darker on the rear sides and back.
If you don't mind my asking, what did a set of Scion wheels with installation cost you? They do look cool. Shinier and more metallic, and crisper looking. Any effect on mpg? I didn't know the Scion wheels were interchangeable with the Prius. Bob
saweeeeeeeeeet lookin with the rims........tint looks great too! Honk if you pass through HB...... ps....where is the best place to pick up a pair of the Scion Rims and what kinda $ will they put me out? Are the rims a straight swap.....or is there some type of different offset and then speedometer adjustment? tia
Very nice looking rims, what's the size of the new shoes, 15-16-17. I was planing to get the same on 17". In a couple of months, post if it has being any impact on MPG.
Very, very nice! I've seen the Scion wheels on a Salsa but wasn't as impressed as I am with them on the white!
Who says you have to have Spoked wheels on a prius? These are 17" & 18" rims [attachmentid=2380] [attachmentid=2381] [attachmentid=2382] LOL *Bling Bling*
these are 4 lbs lighter than stock..I'm thinking of these
I just hate to look like everyone else, Those Konig wheels look great! When everyone else instals wheels they get the skinny spoke design becuse they are light and look good to them becuse the tire stores push them for the make of the car.. Hell you might as well stick with the stock wheel.. :blink:
these are the first I've found that actually weigh "less" than the stock without costing a fortune and you're right, I hate looking like everyone else... thats the motivation for getting something else too. Those are pretty sharp wheels..... I will wait a while before I upgrade, but those are my first pick so far.
Try this site... Choose your vehicle, pick your color and see what the rims will look like on your car.... pretty cool.....
Nice.. the 17 inch do look better.. but the weight is a killer.. I wonder if the low profile tires that would come with that offset weight enough that its worth it? Too bad you can't pick your wheels "and" your tires and get the total weight. I wonder if you can pick wheels.. "save your vehicle" then go onto tires with the saved vehicle? I couldn't seem to get it to do that.
LOL the wife wont let me get bigger rims so I pulled off the plastic trim rings, looks like stock mag wheels , not bad.. Still would have liked some 17's..