Hello everybody! I recently bought a 2005 and I am trying to get it all fixed up to my standards, and I haven't been able to find anything useful on this subject. When I look underneath the car in the front, it appears that there are two splash shields missing in the center. One is directly under the bumper/radiator, and one empty space under the engine itself (not sure if there is one that goes here, but I have found some evidence of a 2-piece shield here?). For some reason all of the part diagrams show this part, #17 in the photo below: I have found aftermarket replacements for this, but do I also need #18 clips and #20 bolts to attach it? Or can I use the same push-in rivet type clips used to hold the other splash shields in? On #19 of my car, the holes are just slots, no metal clips (#18) on them and no bolts (#20) either so I'm guessing the old one was completely ripped out by a curb or something with the bolts still attached. Also, is it parts #19 and #20 below that come together to form the shield under the engine? Thanks in advance for any help with this. I just don't have a complete one to look at for a reference point, and the sites and catalogs are zero help beyond the pictures above.
The bolts are M6x1.0x20 captive washer 10mm hex head bolts. Better yet, are standard stainless steel bolts and washers in the same size. The "c" clips are metal and can be had in small quantities at Lowe's, NAPA, Pep Boys, Advance or even Auto Zone.
Thank you Mike! Good to know it does use those metal C clips. I had already ordered some of the splash shield fasteners yesterday, but I'm sure I will get plenty of use out of those over time working on my car. As for behind the bumper, directly under the engine, is that the 2-part deal I was looking at in the second diagram? If it is, is it really worth replacing? I figure at least the front one under the bumper is because the side shields are just dangling with nothing connecting them, plus it shields my radiator from rocks bouncing up into the bottom of the bumper.
The local Pull-a-Part has a 2007 Prius in inventory, so I may stop by there on my way home from work to get an idea of what it should look like under there. Maybe even go ahead and grab what I need there rather than ordering it. If the front isn't demolished, that is.
I had though of that. too. Most all Toyotas use the same size screws and clips. It doesn't have to be a Prius. Just make sure you have a 10mm wrench, ratchet and socket. I get a load of the fasteners for spares all the time, when I'm at those pick your part wrecking yards.
Thank you for all the useful info Mike! Sadly the Prius was already scrapped when I stopped by, so I guess I'll have to wait until I get a look at another one.
If it is the part I'm thinking of I regularly break or rip mine off every winter from driving through snow. I've given up replacing it.
Good to know, thank you. Well, I am replacing the front shield (which essentially covers the hole in the bottom of the bumper and radiator) but I won't worry about the rest back under the engine itself. If I lose that fairly easily I won't bother replacing it again.
OK, so I bought this (#17 from the diagram above): 04 09 Prius New Lower Center Engine Cover Splash Shield Liner | eBay As that is the main part I want to shield for radiator protection, and it was cheap and seemed easy enough to pop in. As shown in this photo, it should easily attach and fill in the void between my bumper and radiator: However, when I attempt to install it, there are trim pieces on either side of the radiator, which funnel air from the bumper opening into the radiator, but they extend beyond the bottom of the bumper a couple of inches so this splash shield will not fit on the sides. I checked the radiator "channels" and they appear to be installed correctly, because they are snapped into appropriate looking holes around the radiator. Is there something wrong with these "air baffles" on my radiator? Or are those pieces normal and there is something wrong with the part I received since it won't fit under them?
I believe that the part you purchased is incorrect. The design of the engine undercover changed between early 2G and later 2G (probably in the 2006 model year) so one part will not fit the entire 2G range. I suggest that you attempt to buy the correct part from a Toyota dealer's parts dept.
Ok, well I figured out my problem. I am also missing part #19 from the diagram above that goes between the shield and the bumper, providing the necessary gap. I was confused because the bumper itself has 5 holes very similar to the shield, but the shield didn't match up and was contacting things it shouldn't be. Now I get to spend another $100 on that and figure out how to attach it. None of the diagrams or photos show how it is attached. It shows how to attach the splash guard to the lip, but not how the lip installs to the bumper. Any idea?
Hello H'wood After hitting road debris on the f'way, I am suddenly without splash shields. Can you give me any insight on a minimal replacement I can do? I am missing the driver and passenger side pieces as well as the center piece under the radiator. What do I need to replace that center piece? Thanks for any help. JB
So you have the older type build before 11.2005? Not the newer one on the picture above? TOYOTA PRIUS [NHW20L-AHEEBA] (USA) 08.2003-...: BODY GROUP: SUSPENSION CROSSMEMBER & UNDER COVER If I understand you correctly you need are 51408-47010 and 51409-47010 If you have the newer one you probably just need the part that is marked as 51447D in that picture but site doesn’t even give the actual part number for it.