I have a deal for a 2013 Prius 2. The dealer is offering it to me for 21,914. Is this a good deal ? Thanks.
I stay in RI and the car is in Mass. I will be registering the vehicle in RI, so the dealer said I need to pay the sales tax in RI. But on the P&S agreement, he mentioned the sales tax as 0% saying he wrote it as 0 since I will be paying the tax in RI and not to the dealer. Where do I pay the sales tax? And where will I get the proof that I did pay the sales tax of RI ? Please help
you generally pay the tax in the state you register it in. if you purchase the car in another state, then you have to provide proof and fill out a form etc., it can be a pain, so take your time, check with the rmv and be clear before proceeding. rereading your post, you live in ri, you're buying the car in ma, you're registering in ri, you would pay the sales tax when you register in ri, or when the dealer does it for you. i think the dealer has it correct. if you are registering the car yourself, you will pay the tax then and will not need proof.
I think it's a good deal. I agree with bisco, don't let them sell you unnesseary add-ons like some dealers are famous for.
My local dealer here is offering 2014 Prius Two's for $21,999. Their billboard for 2013's had them priced from $20,999. On 2013's, I think there is some room for you to negotiate.
Be careful with dealer add ons, fees, etc. I am buying a 2013 Prius Two this week and I am at $21,400 before TTL. I will provide more info when the deal is done. Also make sure they are not pricing you based on financing with them at a rate greater than 0%.
A number of options a dealer can do , like stop the beep beep reverse , and others Talk to the dealer have them show you , then the ones you want done , have them do It before you give them your money. .... I didn't and they wanted 50 bucks to do
Mine didn't charge me anything to do turn off the reverse beeping. I asked them to do it when I took my v back for pinstripes. They did the same for my previous 2010 Prius IV. I guess some dealers need to account for every minute of time through their service dept - aka profit margin. After two car purchases, I am amazed at how my dealer regards customer service as one of their top priorities.