hello This is my new used 2012 prius 3 with 44,500 miles on it. Is there any tricks I need to know about this car. I just brought it Monday and love it so far. It took me a long time deciding to buy or not because of all the tech. things on it. One thing was can't hear the thing running. I just can't get the hang of all computer stuff, still learning to operatated all the stuff. I trade my pick up in on it and was getting 14-16mpg on truck. Drive a total of 35 miles a day to and from work. I do have to purchase 2 tires for the front
Congratulations , enjoy .... Tips .. Tire pressure 42 front 40 rear , grill blocking if in cold winter conditions
ok I'm in new jersey. what would be a good tire, but on the cheap side since I just purchased car and don't have a lot of $ to put out right now.