I'm nearing the end of the 2nd tank of gas I've bought since taking possession of my 2006 Prius in mid-January. The miles shown on the Consumption screen have reset to zero three times without my pushing the reset button or filling the gas tank. I found nothing in the owners manual to tell me why this happens or what I can do to stop the random resets. I'd appreciate any advice the group can offer.
Do you have kids? Seriously though, my 2006 NEVER resets the mileage in the consumption screen unless I touch "RESET", unlike the 2004-2005 models which reset whenever you fill up. Do you see it just do it while you're driving, or does it seem to lose it if the car it shut off for a while? Either way, it sounds like a problem for the dealer.
In the 2004-2005, the MPG and miles resets if 3 gallons or more is put in the tank. Not sure if the '06 would be the same.
are the connections on your 12v battery tight enough? that might cause your mpg to reset. do your radio presets and such change? the clock?
That's funny...Mine doesn't randomly reset, but I've noticed that when I reset the Odo it resets. And it is an 06...
Neither the clock, nor the radio presets change at random. I haven't noticed any trouble with anything else electric.
That's strange! :blink: What package do you have? My package #3 ONLY resets if I hit reset on the MFD screen. I've reset the trip odometers several times, and it has NEVER reset the mileage odometer on the consumption screen.
For an 11/05 build 2006, the MILES does reset on a fill up of something greater than 3 gallons, but the AVERAGE MPG does not reset. I have verified this on two different cars. I believe you are saying that neither miles or average mpg reset on your 2006? What build date is your car? - Tom
I've got a 2006 package #1/GY. It could be that the only times I've reset my Odo is when fueling, which would cause the Consumption Screen to reset...
In the manual for the '06, it says with over 3 gallons fill, the miles will reset. I have filled up exactly once so far. When I drove off, the miles did NOT reset. At some point in the next few minutes, I reset my trip meters, and the next time I looked at my comsumption screen, the miles had reset there as well. I have NEVER hit the reset button on the MFD, however. So the jury is still out on when or why the miles on the consumption screen reset.
Let me clarify: In my last post, I was responding to the person who said that their consumption screen odometer resets whenever he resets his regular odometer, and I was saying mine has never done that, nor does mine ever reset at random. Of course, mine DOES reset when I fill up. In my first post, I was thinking of the MPG, which doesn't reset on my 2006 when I fill up, unless I press reset. Hey, I've only had it 5 weeks, give me a break! It almost sounds like Prianista's MFD is getting a false signal that the tank has been refilled. Does the MPG reset at the same time?
Just WHEN does the consumption miles number reset after the fillup? Does it show zero when you start the car after filling? Mine didn't... but was then zero before I parked ten minutes later.
Just did the first-of-the month fillup. Gas pump shut off automatically at 9.7 gallons. Consumption screen Miles and MPG reset automatically. I'll let everyone know if there is another random reset.
Just went 21 days between fillups. During that time there was one random reset of the "miles" indicator on the consumption screen. It came at approx. 131 miles. There were no random resets of the "mpg" indicator. I now believe I was mistaken in earlier report of an "mpg" random reset. The car took 9.8 gallons in the latest fillup. The "miles" indicator reset, as expected, when I pulled away from the pump. The "mpg" indicator did not reset. The car is a 2006 with a 12/05 build date.