Alrighty for anyone with a C1 or C2 that upgraded to a OEM toyota, subaru, or scion touch screen radio and wants backup camera, here is my very shabby write up of my experiance. Dropbox - corolla-highlander radio backup camera.pdf
fantastic write up! now all i need is the 16 pin plug and call it a day. thanks. when you in NY, a beer on me.
Can anyone confirm that updating to the latest version of Entune (3.2?) does not break the rear view camera setup for the Prius C's?
I just installed this camera in my 2013 Prius c4. Toyota Display Audio/Entune Backup Camera Kit - Camry, Corolla, Prius, | Backup Camera System Truck Backup Cameras LCD Mirror LCD Monitor Gentex "PLEASE READ THIS ALL OF THE WAY THROUGH BEFORE YOU DO THE INSTALLATION OF THIS GREAT CAMERA!!!!!!" At first I had a little trouble and thought it didn 't work. The camera came with all harnesses and installed right into the HU. The 3 RCA Plugs have to be hooked up and they do interface with each other. I tried different combo's on the RCA's Until I got it to work. Then ran it through the back of the dash, pulling panels, then ran it left, there is a nut holding the inner panel on the wall just undo it pull it and the panel off then pull the sill plate , it pops off, run the camera cable along it and secure with the blue clips holding the main harness. Pull the cover between the front and back door, you do not have to remove the whole panel just the bottom fastener, run the cable behind this and to the back. Remove the back sill and run the cable to the weatherstrip for the rear door and put it under the sill plate and run to the roof, To where it meets the headliner and tuck it in to get the cable to the back hatch and to the inside of the headliner. Rear Camera install: pull the cover push pins use a plastic trim Removal tool: Harbor Freight has a great set for about $6.00. Once you have that off you have to remove the sill the camera sits on. Look up inside and you will see 5 nuts on long screws-they are. 10mm or 8 mm sorry remove these nuts and disconnect the back lock electrical harness, center of the hatch by the sill and license lights. by pushing in the center of the Blue? connector and that will release it. Pull the sill off and look to the left of where the license plate would when the sill is mounted on the car. You will see a small square rise where the camera goes. Put the provided weatherstrip/seal note bottom of camera shape and weatherstrip shape The fit one way!!! so it it centered on that. Next Use the hole saw that is provided with the camera and find the center of that weatherstrip/seal. Drill the hole, be careful and clean the drilled plastic off the seal, when done. Install the camera into the sill, it should be facing down and out. With the weatherstrip shape fitting the bottom of the camera shape...if wrong the weatherstrip will hang out at one end...It will not look right...! Put the supplied nut on the cable and slide down to the camera, thread it onto the camera and adjust and tighten make sure the camera is straight. Drill a 3/8 hole for the camera cable to go through in back of the camera this is where the bolts fit through to get through the sill, then either Grommet or RTV where the wire goes through!!! You definitely do not want a damaged cable down the road. Then get some 22 gauge 4 conductor cable also known as telco wire it has 4 covered wires inside of a sheath, you can get it at Home Depot or Lowes Or if you know a telco or alarm guy they May give you about 3 feet. This is stiff enough to get the camera cable through the left side of the hatch. Pull the black rubber off of the hatch at the bottom, big ugly thing 2 sides Run the Telco cable through the hatch to the left and continue to run the cable through it and through the white grommet that is under that black grommet. Remove weatherstrip by this grommet- about 1 foot. You now have access to the headliner. Careful: it damages easily On the top cut the sheathing about 4" and wrap it around the back camera cable and pull it through with care Once you have secured it run the cable down the left side of the rear hatch and through that rubber double feed. Lift the white connector out, the big one where the big cable bundle goes through. And run the telco cable With the camera cable on it. Run it through and to the headliner. The cable that comes from the front will slip into the area to the headliner pull it through and you should have both cables in the headliner where you can connect them, push the excess cable into the headliner. Connect the 2 ends of the cables they only fit one way-DO NOT FORCE Them!!! Put the bottom black grommet back over the white grommet, it should fit over the white grommet to reinstall it just push it in and the rubber should pop into the hole, if you don't do this you may get water into your headliner!!! Connect the top of the black grommet into the hole. Reconnect the weatherstrip, put the sill back on connect the rear lock connector. Put the rear cover back on-"push pins". Test the camera..... You should be doing this through out the install! Turn on the car Put it in reverse, within 30 seconds... Do you have rear camera? Is it upside down? Do you have guide lines? SEE TROUBLESHOOTING BELOW. Yes- put your car back together . You are done.(see below) No-check your RCA PLUGS TROUBLESHOOTING Is the image flipped? Connect the 2 white wires at the camera end and it should look normal. Don't want guide lines-connect 2 green wires at the camera end. Brian does actively support his product-Give him a try!!! That's it. This camera is really plug and play!!! This was done on my 2013 Prius C4 with the Entune HD radio with navigation, Sirius...
Hey everyone, thanks to your thread I managed to get a backup camera installed in my 2014 Prius C Four in just under 5 hours including some brief rest breaks. You can pretty much follow everyone else's instructions, but I think I was able to go so quickly because I didn't have to worry about the camera power and I didn't remove nearly as many parts of the car as everyone else. I cribbed together bits from Mik1, jwestfah and Rainking to do my install. Like jwestfah and HotDogWater, I purchased this kit (was $149 when I last saw it): Toyota Entune/Display Audio Backup Camera Kit - Plug and Play! also seems to be the same one as Toyota Display Audio/Entune Backup Camera Kit - Camry, Corolla, Prius, | Backup Camera System Truck Backup Cameras LCD Mirror LCD Monitor Gentex I believe there are similar kits available, but this one definitely had a 6.5V camera so you do not have to find an external 12V connection which was a huge plus in my opinion and probably saved me a bunch of time. For some reason they provide 2 parts to the harness and you have to connect them together either using these strange crimp connectors they provide or put them together some other way. It's just 2 wires to power the camera, and the instructions even say they are for th 6.5V power supply from the head unit tot the camera. I opted to solder them together and cover the solder connections using heat-shrink tubing that I bought from OSH for $5; I don't like the idea of using crimp connectors because then I can't really see how good the connection is. Once I got the connectors put together I headed out to the car to attempt to remove the head unit and test the camera like everyone else. Like Rainking's post #222, before removing the head unit I placed bunch of painters tape on top of the air conditioning controls; I was extra paranoid about scratching those parts of the car. I also put some tape around the edge of the bezel I was about to remove. I removed the panel with the help of one of these tools in this kit I bought from Amazon: Amazon In the picture it's the 2nd to the smallest tool without the fork tines. I did it almost exactly like this guy does in this youtube video. You can see he has a very similar panel removal tool. After I removed the head unit, everything went exactly as the instructions that came with the camera said; unplug the connector with the single purple wire, plug that into the harness, then plug the harness back where that plug went in the back of the head unit. From there you just route the wire back behind the steering well, behind the pedals and by the door sill, following the instructions in Mik1's PDF. Where I ran into a bit of difficulty for about 15 minutes was figuring out how to get the wire from the driver's front door sill to the passenger's door sill. I ended up fishing the wire using a straight wooden rod with the camera connector duct-taped to the end of it. It was tricky because there are already bundles of wires in that space that I didn't want to wreck by just shoving the wire through. Eventually I got it, but fishing wires is always an exercise in risk where you are pushing things into places you can't see. To remove the rear door scuff plate I also had to remove one of the panels that covers the area below rear left side passenger's seat. Those can be done again by popping out the center button gently with another trim tool removal kit (if you use a metal flat-head screwdriver, you have to be very careful not to break the plastic center button when you pop it out). From there I did not remove any of the Rear Deck Trim Cover, Deck Trim Side Panel Assembly or Roof Side Inner Garnish. I just routed the cable up by the weather stripping to the headliner to get to the rubber tube that connects the headliner to the back panel. From that point forward everyone else had posted great pictures about what to do next. The only thing I did differently was use this tool to remove the clips that cover inside of the hatchback door: Amazon In case you break any of the clips, I found these available: Amazon Thanks to everyone on this thread, this was a very smooth install!
Just finished installing the camera from Camera Source, Toyota Entune/Display Audio Backup Camera Kit - Plug and Play! Very simple install. Took about two and half hours, thanks to: 1. Actual plug and play capability of the camera. 2. The previous directions for this unit. 3. Help of a fish tap for pulling the wire. You could also use a piece of solid copper wire or a wire coat hangar. 4. Assistance from a helper to feed wire while I pulled it. Only thing I would add is: 1. I kept most of the excess wire bundled up behind the inside panel in the hatch back area. 2. I also connected camera cable behind the panel in the hatchback area. This made it easier to feed the one wire through the hatchback and flexible hose to the headliner. 3. I ran the wires rearward from the drivers side door frame and the forward from there because forward from there required more hand to hand feeding. 4. I pulled the panel to the left of the steering wheel and ran the wires up to that area. Then I pulled the knee airbag panel removing four 10mm bolts. This allowed easier access to run the wires over the steering and the into the radio compartment area. 5. The directions on mine did not have an option to flip the image, but it wasn't needed anyway. 6. The directions to get rid of the displayed lines is to cut the white wire that is looped outside of the camera wire near the connection. I left it connected for now, but will probably remove the lines later. Product has a very nice look and was delivered in two days.
I finish the install this morning. Thanks for the link to the 6v camera PIP and also the install write up! It was not so easy for me. I really wanted to do a clean install and routed and zip tied like it came from the factory. It took me 7 hours to do the job right and carefully. I had the hardest time getting line through the rear hatch hose. The tip to remove the white collar did the trick! Plus the coat hanger did wounders! Also I did not drill into the hatch to run the wire threw. I used one of bolt holes and loctited the others.
Had a question regarding the G79 connector. There are 4 connection, Video in 8, Power(6v) 7 , Video Ground 16 and Ground 15. Do I need to connect all the 4 pin? The installation pdf shows only 3 pin and the 15 seems not connect at all. And the camera only has 3 cable anyway. (video in, video ground and power). Do I need to connect 15 and ground it somewhere or maybe just connect it with pin16? Never mind, I figure it out. I don't need to plug anything in Pin15. But I do need to connect the reserve signal to pin2 at G78. I have the touch screen with Nav. Will try to post detail installation tomorrow, too late to clean up the job and my solder iron is broken.
I bought this. The prius C has the exact same head as the regular prisus. If you are not comfortable doing this any Car audio show will do it for you.
OK. Finally got my job done. The worse part is I am in Canada and I can't find those JR connector easy. Here is the tips if someone still want to install camera from ebay. 1. The JR connector, you can use CDROM-PC cable (in the old days, we use 4 pin audio to transfer CD signal to motherboard) Those are perfect one. Or other plug from computer seems fine. I was misunderstanding the pin size, I thought it was much bigger but it's not. 2. To insert the JR connector into harness, you need to left up the tab on the harness, then insert the JR connector in and then push the tab back. It will lock the JR connector in place. Do not use paper clip to force it in place. And do not pull the tab out completely since the harness has two raw. The JR connector for the top raw has to go through this tab. 3.My HU does have Nav and it is missing the parking cable on G78 pin 2. I did find the reverse signal cable. 4.The 12V input is not working under just power0n, which means if I just power on the vehicle instead of startup, the backup camera will not working. Not sure any solution for this. See the two purple/brown cable? Those are reverse signal to Pin2 at G78 3 Cable, power, video in and video ground at G79. Check other member's guide for other details about how to route the cable (I did on the passenger side) Pin2 on G78 The 12v source is the yellow cable. It seems got 12v at power-on but I have no idea why the video signal didn't active on the HU.
Hi all, A few weeks ago I bought a new 2014 C3 and proceeded to put a plug and play backup camera from eBay in it. ( I can't post a link because this is my first post). It’s a true plug and play and worked the second I hooked it up. I spent a couple hours installing and routing it and at the same time I tried to find the reverse shift position input so I could make a switch circuit that would allow me to manually turn it on when I’m in bumper-to-bumper traffic. (At 5 MPH, a few feet clearance can make a difference when changing lanes). I know that it’s supposed to be pin 2 on the 28-pin connector yet there isn't a wire in that position of my connector. The circuit schematic for the Parking Assist, (rear camera), on the 2014 is nowhere to be found at the TIS site. Nor is there anything on the Reverse Signal Circuit. I did however find both for the 2015 model year and it indeed shows that there is a 12v signal that is supposed to be at pin 2 on the 28-pin connector, (G78), when reverse is selected. But as I stated, my camera works fine when you shift into reverse without a wire at the #2 position. While I had the radio out, I used a voltmeter to probe as many of the connector pins as I could while shifting between park and reverse to see if any of them changed state. No luck, and I had to close it all up so I can go to work in the morning. So my question is: Do any of you smart people out there in Prius Land have any ideas as to where I can look to find said signal? Thanks,
Hello guys pretty new in this forum. I'm trying to install the back up camera on my C3, based on mik1's write up, but when I was about to get the camera, I came across this harness and it looks like it could make my life easier. Could somebody tell me if this will work ? Since I'm not that knowledgeable about electronics. Thank you in advance!!
Hello guys pretty new in this forum. I'm trying to install the back up camera on my C3, based on mik1's write up, but when I was about to get the camera, I came across this harness and it looks like it could make my life easier. Could somebody tell me if this will work ? Since I'm not that knowledgeable about electronics. Thank you in advance!!
That harness will work perfectly! You might need the extra "reverse" cable connection. Its just a single wire. That person might have it too.
Thanks fire fire! I'll try. Kingba6 the guy also has the extra reverse cable. I'm going to order the cable and the camera right now. Thank you so much for your input. I'll post some pics after the install.
I haven't remove the stereo yet, so I'm not sure if it's the same. I got the 2015 C3. The stereo looks almost the same, but not sure if the harness wiring would be the same. Any help there?