So filled up tonight when I hit two pips car took 7.5 gal drove about 300 miles.. Getting it from the dealer I did not get to track it exactly but I'm very happy especially coming from 13mpg. I'm sure as I learn the car and hopefully the temps improve it will get better. XT1060 ?
Welcome, and congrats on your Prius! Air up tires, slow down, conserve momentum by anticipating stops and gliding, etc. 43 is a fine start, and more is available if you want it.
Thanks.. I did air up the tires to 40#.. Definitely need a lot if practice on driving techniques it didn't matter what I did with my previous cars. XT1060 ?
Do not try to baby the Prius. Accelerate briskly up to speed, take your foot of the accelerator and re apply just enough to keep you going. This becomes second nature after a while, and really pays dividends. John (Britprius)
Winter time in colder areas , grill block , tires 42 front 40 rear , in summer I run 44 front 42 rear Welcome to the group
Thank you.. I'm not ready for the grill block here in Ky it can be in the teens one day then the 50's the next.. Having tripled my mileage and knowing driving habits will improve it further I an thrilled. XT1060 ?
50 mpg should be easily within your reach with little effort, but you need to get used to the car first. Watch where your going not the MFD. I get 60 mpg "UK gallons" winter "down to -10C" ad 65 + in the summer. This with your equivalent of the touring Prius in the UK with 205 width tyres. John (Britprius)
Thank you John I am targeting 50.. But it's only been 6 days so I am more focused on learning how to drive etc and researching I get obsessed with new things like this. I have been looking at getting the torque app as well for more reasons than this. But haven't yet XT1060 ?
There are a number of monitoring systems you can use each having there advantages and disadvantages. The torque app with the cheap Elm device. Simple addition to the dash. Priidash again using Elm . Virtually everything that is available monitoring wise on your computer screen in one go, and free. Scan gauge II limited to 4 parameters display. Still a useful extra. Mini VCI with Techstream and your laptop. The tool to have if you wish to service and diagnose everything on the Prius. I have the Elm and Priidash, and the availability for Torque. I also have the VCI that I find for service use unbeatable at it's price. John (Britprius)
Congrats on your purchase and "Welcome to Prius Chat". After you have become accustomed to the Prius, take the time to learn about "pulse and glide". In my signature below are four links. If you will study all four of the pages that are linked there, you will have a good starting point. 43 is a great start. With warmer temperatures and P&G applied you should easily meet and or beat the EPA ratings. Another site that has oodles of info is here: John's Stuff - Toyota Prius and more Best of luck to you!
I bought the Techstream software on ebay per the advice of the forum, and the special OBD2 cable came with it. I program my tire sensor ID's to it, run fun tests, read my hybrid battery individual cell values, etc. Its VERY cool to have, and as somebody who does all of their own maintenance/repairs too, its priceless to have.