Coventry PEDESTRIAN stops and waits by red light sign intended for traffic | Mail Online What can you say? Shakes my head.
I want to meet her. She might make the perfect wife. The current one doesn't follow my instructions at all.
Grumpy really wanted us to see this LINK: Is a mini ice age on the way? Scientists warn the Sun has 'gone to sleep' and say it could cause temperatures to plunge | Mail Online
Aw c'mon wjtracy, if grumpy had wanted that he would have said so. He's a straightforward guy. If someone feels that the dailymail has told us something useful and new about solar cycles, let's reconvene in the usual place and discuss it. This is a Darwin thread. Hyo, death is not a requirement. Sterilization will suffice. The DA website suggests that some degree of elegance or novelty should also be involved. I suppose that neither of the examples already cited do qualify.
"The Darwin Awards salute the improvement of the human genome by honoring those who accidentally remove themselves from it..." I copied the above from the Darwin Awards website. I interpret it to mean that death is one of the entrance requirements, not one of the awards.
If you sterilize yourself, you are out of the gene pool (absent any earlier offspring). I apologize on behalf of Wendy Northcutt, who, as a Berkeley-trained biologist, should not have said 'genome'. These days, DNA amplification and sequencing blurs the ability of death to remove one from a specie's genome. Wooly Mammoths are all dead, and they have a genome.
While death is the most common entrance path, it is not a true requirement. Some guys get in by means of, um, 'misadventure' resulting in avulsion of the testes.
Eeek what've I started. It was just meant to be a funny thread about someone who is hard of understanding stopping at a red light. I didn't realise my thread had to reflect the Darwin Award criteria so accurately. The sad thing is, the chances of the less bright breeding to excess, seems to be encouraged. I'm sure in 15 years time there'll be a whole family stopping at red lights.
Kind of reminds me of the old Python skit "Upper class twit of the year contest" where the winner was the first who successfully kill himself via self inflicted gunshot wound.
By all means it is a Fred thread to discuss DA candidates. However there are a lot of poseurs in the internet. 'Here's your dumb sign' has a lower price of admission. Grumpy I saw the BBC article as well - similar but does not mention that 2011 had more sunspots than 2013. Still I think that our usual way would be to take that up in 'Environmental'. I haven't started a thread because I don't see anything 'new' in the news.
lol I never bothered reading it either. Someone kindly tried to convert this into an environmental thread early on and I thought I was poking fun by posting the bbc article.
I just jumped in because as the term has become more popular on this side of the pond over the past couple decades, it has also become misunderstood and seriously watered down.