I just got stranded by one of my other cars from a bad fuel pump. For fun, I decided to see what the cost of a Prius fuel pump would be. I could not find a part for sale even from Toyota. So is there a fuel pump on this thing or some other method of fuel delivery?
It is in the gas tank, which you replace as a unit. (One of the many reasons not to run your car out of gas is that it can over heat the fuel pump, normally cooled by gas)
Ah that makes sense now. Thank you! I noticed the fuel tank is 'only' $398 from Toyota so that actually doesn't seem to bad really. I am spending $800 or so on my Range Rover fuel pump and $100 on the fuel filter so the price on that entire tank seems cheap!
I figured it would be more expensive than that. Just looked on Auto Nations Website, Online price is $340.67 for 05 and up (Gen II). Price does not apply to Gen III or Gen I. 2009 Toyota Prius Parts - AutoNation Toyota Gulf Freeway Parts
Fuel pump failure usually occurs when the car has 150,000 to 200,000 plus miles on it. That's when the brushes wear down to nothing and short it out.
All the above only relate to the North American gen2 Prius. In all other markets where the bladder is not used the fuel pump can be changed along with the fuel level gauge unit and the fuel filter. The unit can be removed and the filter cleaned if required. John (Britprius)
The bladder system found in the Gen II was one of those "high tech"cutting edge" ideas, that looked good on the drawing board and execution, but has "unintended consequences" in long term use and serviceability. Don't "overfill" the bladder system at the pump.
Thanks for that advice. I had been trying to pump in a bit more after the pump clicks. I won't do that anymore.