Like the title states, I'm wondering what others have. I have owned several Prii over the years, mostly in an effort to have a great mileage vehicle option to drive. Here is my favorite....
A 97 CRV. One of the most reliable cars of the 90's in my opinion as long as you know that you should adjust the mechanical valves once every 100k miles. Mine has AWD and runs like a billy goat on ice or deep snow. On top of that, I can pull it 4-down behind the class C motorhome. It would be hard to replace.
Love the old 78 Ford. My buddy had a 79 with 3/4 ton suspension and 44" tires. That thing was a beast!
What other car? We have just the one, for several reasons, not the least of which is the environmental impact. We were lucky enough to be able to choose a community where we can walk most places we need to go. Public transit is also a viable alternative. Neither of my kids, despite being well into driving age, even have a drivers licence.
2011 F150 4X4 Super Crew with Ecoboost engine. Inspite of the Fords 20+ mpg, it's serious pump shock compared to the 50 mpg Prius, but different jobs require different tools. I still feel sad that the Prius based ABAT pickup never made it to market. I would have money down on the first one produced
My wife drives the Anti Prius, a company car she is assigned to go onto job sites in, a 2010 white Chevy Tahoe that gets 16 MPG. (which her employer pays for)
The king of MPG, 2000 Honda Insight, 5-speed. Battery is on its last legs, but I got a great deal on it. Got 61MPG driving 70-75MPH bringing it home with almost constant hills.
It's a Mercedes. This one. There's one every 20 minutes, and it's only a 10-minute ride to the City (20 minutes in rush hour), and I don't have to pay Sydney's horrible parking fees ($130 per day under my daughter's old kindergarten!) EDIT: Actually, I picked that photo up off the Internet, but I've just realised that you can see my Prius on it - the blue one whose front bumper you can see under the bus, just next to the right front wheel.
Ours is the previously reported Toyota IQ. I do have a picture of it in my Albums but won't post it again as that was taken when new and it certainly doesn't look like that any longer!?! It's a city car and mainly purchased because it is so small, facilitating easy parking on those impossibly small spaces longer cars just can't fit. Let's just say the bumpers front and back are no longer in their prime.