I voted that bill O'reilly is right of center but that was because the proper choice was not there. Bill O'Reilly is actually very representative of the center of this country politically. I think his political characterization changes some from issue to issue not unlike the majority of Americans. what was he talking about that got you so revved up?
o'Really is part of the fascist tribe of pundits, all he needs is a black shirt. He and Rush Windbag would have loved McCarthy.
Your poll choices didn't even warrant a vote from me (and I'm sure quite a few other PriusChatters - no mater their political persuasion). All choices look bad for the subject person. I believe “the normal electoral process & resulting lower ratings†will weed this poll out quite soon. Whatever that is supposed to mean. Bill60546, are you by chance a pollster for the Democrat party?
I will agree that the poll options are not "fair and balanced," but anyone who seriously believes Bill O'Reilly gives an "objective look" at the news of the day does not have a well calibrated sense of the political spectrum. I identify myself as a solid "Liberal" (Mods, don't ban me; I know that's a bad word these days <_<), and I definately agree that a lot of the news outlets have a liberal bias. How strong that liberal bias is varies, but I would say that more news outlets are "liberal" than "conservative." That said, I think it's hard for anyone to reasonably argue that Fox News isn't pretty far in the opposite direction. From what I've seen of Bill O'Reilly, he is, perhaps, the most extreme example on the station (although Hannity could maybe give him a run for his money).
O'Reilly is a commentator, and doesn't pretend to be "fair and balanced" in his views. I think he is just right of center with a populist streak, but may be more conservative on some social issues because of his Catholic faith. He is also very entertaining, which all commentators should aspire to be. Take note, strident ones: Hannity, Kaisach and the rest. I can't think of a left of center commentator that is as much a pleasure to watch occasionally, unless its Bill Mahr. But he tends more toward libertarianism, and remains pretty conservative when it comes to things like taxes and national defense. Where is the true liberal that is a joy to watch? Jon Stewart would be on top in that category but he is an entertainer rather than a pundit, even though most of his humor is political (and very good, even though he is more often than not making fun of my views).
Here's a good O'Reilly issue for you. Has anyone else noticed that the most venom filled personal attacks (like for instance the above quoted post) come most often (in other words, almost exclusively) from the far left? Why is that?
probably because a lot of the attacks coming from the far right are presented in the form of indirect rhetorical questions
They are still trying to figure out how they became the "minority" party in this country. I have said this before on here, but when I was first becoming aware politically I was taught in school it was very improbable the Republicans would control all forms of government. Who would have thought? And just for the record i am a conservative leaning independent.
I would agree that the conservatives have a "lock" on most of the talk TV. And while, as a liberal, they drive me crazy, I have to admit that they are very good at what they do; they know how to reach their audience and put across their views in a way that entertains a lot of people. The only person who I can think of that compares to them on the "left of center" side is Al Franken. He's smart, entertaining, and enjoys being liberal (and doesn't try to pretend that he's "moderate" or "fair and balanced").
Quite observant, that spiteful blockhead is nothing less or more just a doofus spin-meister with fascistic tendencies, if not a fascist already, sadly he is incapable of self analysis. Very comedic at times, actually the whole FoxNews is the funniest news channel one can find. Why would anyone want to subject oneself to FoxNews on daily basis is beyond me, 'ultimate brainwashing' catering to utmost of mediocrity. If one only relies on Fox News as fair and balanced news than one has a major proclivity for stratagem. This type of propaganda suits well for all those divisionists that obediently classify themselves as pro or anti left-right political entrapment. Yahoo kinda crowd, irrational fanatics. O'reilly is an shoddy entertainer, nothing else. It's scary that people pay serious attention to such a schmuck.
You mean Faux News? Actually, I'm not sure if its a question regarding right or left. If both have an open mind its easy to appreciate the position of someone on the right and have a discussion about the issues. With O'Reilly its more of a question of whether or not he is a propagandist masquerading as a news(?)caster.
I disagree. At least partly. I think that O'Reilly is an EXCELLENT entertainer. That's why people pay such close attention to him. I do agree that it's quite scary that people pay such serious attention to him. Back when Fox News' slogan was "We Report, You Decide," I saw a Fox News poster where someone had made up a sticker that was an exact match to the color scheme of the poster that said: "Fox News: We Distort. You Comply."
It is refreshing to listen to Al Frankin and unfortunate that he, too often, is written off a just some comic. I find his program on AirAmerica Radio refreshing and Al very well informed. His ability bring guests to his show from both the right and left and engage them without shouting them down is a good indication of his talents.