My strongest lingering impression after my trip..... "Amazing Handling!" My car had about 1000 miles on it at the start of the trip. I must confess I started the trip topping off the gastank to "full". I went 165 miles before I finally went off the "full" mark! I drove up I-5 to 12 East to mossy rock, N to alder lake, back down again to continue E on 12 through the snow covered mountains. The roads were wet as it seemed to rain all day long while in the mountains with temperatures during the whole trip ranging from 48 to 36 degrees with 5 foot of snow alongs the sides of the road in the mountain passes. We past ice covered lakes with the backdrop of cliffs, waterfalls and occasional eagles. We continued to the East side of the Cascades and viewed about 1500 Elk at the Washington Wildlife reserve. After passing that we spotted a few antelope on the hillsides along with more elk. Then we hit Yakama and dropped south to goldendale, hit the gorge and traveled back W. up the gorge back home. Wow! quite a trip!.. The main reason I wrote this post was to express the amazing handling I experienced with this car! I presently own a Jeep Grand Chereekee, Chrysler Cirrus, Nissan Altima and none of those three handle or even compare to the prius! Even though I was on wet roads and at times I was in a hurry since I had such a distance to cover, the prius handled like a sports car!. I never felt drift and hesitation while nagivating the mountain roads while turning at high speeds. I have just installed the BT plate and I really think that has made an improvement! There were touchy times when cornering I would hit a turn that was a bit sharper than anticipated and the prius pulled through like a champ. The braking was never rough nor did it throw me around in any way. Once just for fun I pulled out and floored it... the streets were wet and it took off with such punch that it felt like It would have gone into a tailspin with the tremedous torque of the electric motor...but the antiskid effects all kicked in and the whole experience was barely noticable!..... I have never driven a really really nice sportscar like a porche or ferrari or the like, so I can't compare, but the prius handled better than any of my other cars, or any car I've ever driven for that matter, and I've rented a few! I hit occasional dips and even small potholes and it glided gracefully over them like nothing. I know some have written about their frustration with potholes and I know some rural streets can be murder, but these roads were in pretty good shape. I felt like the car was light and agile yet had traction as if it was heavier? I still have the stock integrety tires on. The acceleration still amazes me as it ramps up a mountain without stress. I made it all the way home 420 miles later with 1/4 tank left with 4 bars still showing! The more I drive this car, the more I like it!... I feel sorry for my neighbor who just bought a brand new Nissan Altima!... its a really nice car!.. but I asked him how he liked it and he just said..... oh.. it drives about like the last one I just gave up! Too bad for him!...... I feel I have an upgrade on every level with my new prius!.. He's a really nice guy... I wish he loved his car half as much as I love mine!.. I wonder how long its gonna take for this excitement to wear off?... Seems the more I think I've got it figured out, the more It amazes me again!... Sorry, I guess I'm just too simple minded...... But I've never had a car thats captured my affection as much as my little red Tamale!
I just finished off a 1300 mile trip to Canada for a wedding. I averaged about 45 mpg for the whole trip (about 300 miles was short drives around Toronto trying to get our 2 year old to take a nap). It's a great little car and I'd say my favorite car that I've owned to date (in comparsion to a Dodge truck, Chevy truck, two Chevy SUVs, a Volkswago Jetta and a Passat). I have the BT Tech plate sitting in the garage and plan to install it on Friday. I've not told my wife that I've ordered it and I'm going to see if she notices.
They should have let you do their commercials. I hope to see you and your red tamale in the 30 sec snippits during the next superbowl.
great experience! makes me happy to have purchased the "litte beast." this mornings 35 mile commute 25 degree weather was about 47.3mpg. very surprising and very exciting. can't wait for warm weather. just my 2 cents about my happy surprise today.
yea.. let us know.. but women often are not that in tune to the subtile movements.... if she notices, that will be big! let us know!
I got about 44.5 this trip.. but I've gone to the coast and back and averaged about 50 mpg... The mountains with turning, slowing, climbing takes a toll. Of course my speeds were from 60 to 80... depending on terrain.... I wasn't trying to baby it.